... | THE G1ARSTON EXPLOSION. JUDGMENT OF THE COURT. 11 The judgment of the court of inquiry into the P explosion of a ?? converter at the sugar refinery of 'Mr. W. Bostock, at Garston, on the 29th of O ...


... | WEST LANCA RZRAILWAY LICENSE1I GRANTED. . At the annual Brewser Sessions for the borough A of Sontbport yesterday, the liesin omttee g were Menm A. Filling (in tbe air), JL A. Robinson, W. Walker, and G. Austerfield, two of the six justioes appointed being absent.-Chief- 5 ?? report, said- 1 Y The number of licensed persons at present it carrying on business is 89, as against 8B last w year ...


... ,n te T limits of - our o- wee's Qtaper not having AJiZtvC us fo'lay bsfte cou reodcrs any other than a -ri brmo iosiin of tIefollio, srj generally imnortant Xs; Gu arde beadtden tl4 lihert of infertinge it *is mvert a:tZ~ ?? a lch opif mteting ltheapprsaAton~ of Qurfrisnd. COURT OF KINGss B15NqH. TrHE ICING v. itUsJY. T HIS .was an indient againft the diefendani, an eminent corufaexr, for- ...

Published: Tuesday 15 July 1800
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1027 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... ASSIZE MNTELLIGENCE. .The 'ollowiing prtsoiiers -in York cattle will take their- trials at the itfizes, whieh Com- : imenced on Satirday laft, the 14th inifant: . J3onathan Ellis, pf Rotherham, labourer, charged upon -oath. by Elizabeth Widdifon,3 Of Ad ick- upon-Dearne, with having, committed an affault upon her. M; K)yy Lockwood, of the- pariib of Seato st-Rofs, charged. by the coroner's ...

Published: Tuesday 17 July 1804
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 711 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 

GRANT's [ill] on Mr. TOWNSEND

... G.R4NT'P ,*ach , M,-r. 7-Oiv.Nrs.ED.1 I I _ . (` N Friday fe'nnight, in the afternoon, 'I abqut five o'clock, as. Mr. Spencer *Townf'epd, a gentleman of great refieklabilityp who holds a high fituation in the Navy-Office, Somerfkt-Houfe, was returning'from the office to his hotufe in Cleveland Court,,St. James's, .he wag ?? ed within a few yards of his own door by a'genteman of the name of ...

Published: Tuesday 26 April 1803
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1305 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... LAWZREPORT. COURT up KING's BENCH, June 1i. THe. 5ING V. THOMrPSON. HE defen'dant, a -baker in Pentonville, 41. had taken'a 'faffe oath before the Surro- &te at Do~orTs Common's, by flating that Maria 'Tithers was of the age of twenty-one years, he knowing her to be of only the age of fourteen, and thereby obtaining a licence -to marry, and afterwards without her mother's confent, marrying the ...

Published: Tuesday 24 June 1800
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1175 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 

In the paragraph, inserted last week, of Mr. Cation's admission as an Attorney, for Cotton read Catton. CORN ..

... Lane, Wrrftirsdai/. Nov. 28 ( Close the Market. ) We have had but little Grain fresh up since Monday, and that from Suffolk—the Wheat trade, except for the finest dry samples, barely supports Monday's currency. In Heans rather more was doing, but without any alteration in valnc. Oats were a dull sale, on the same terms. Barley, such as is fit for Malting, commands a good sale, at quite as ...


... A BAIRONET'S DAUGHTElRS MARITAL MISEARY. DRUNKEN HUSBA.-TPS CRUELWY. o d III te ])ivoroe Coiart on Thuirs xy Sir Franois n if Jeune lad before him the petition of Georgina h u Rosali3 Goad for a ditsolution of her mnarriage b 11 with William Thomnas Goad, a fur broker and a Y at-otioneer. The respondent denied the cruelty, 1- but, thlough represented by counsel, did not t defend the suit t- ...


... .LIERPOOL AND DISTRICT 5 POLICE COURTS. I5 _ 3 3 THURSDAY, -N-OVfljE 2_5, 'ant 3 darn anid 0 UNTSAVOTIRY PORK. --George flimile, rjk Sion tobutcher, Of Staniley-road., ?? sear hun in his possession -for- sale te unsound, car- listc -8cases of two pigs. Fron the, evidence of lingsector preo 8RBenton, it appeared that defendant Sent the car- thin, r- cases to a meat salesmanli at the ahattoir ...


... ANOTHER ATTEMPTED DOUBLE MURDERI IN LONDON. ml A MAN AND HIS WIFE SHOT.-ATTEUPTED SUICIDE ro- ~ OF THE ASSASSIN. V he Another horrible tragedy, very similar in its results to IV 'as the one of which the manl Barthelmney, now under sentence b ln- of death, was the author, was enacted in London on Lun 'W of dlay morning. The victirms in the present case are a man Al ts, and his wife, named ...


... i LIVERPOOL POLICEi 4°OUPRT. lu THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22. BF.VFOFE ME1 SAFFLES. A nTAvEbafl. CIIeAAx3 wrta EwrTZH nW.- Alfred Jones. commercial traveller, about iD 'en 4i age, Nwas brought up on remand charged with h3o; embezzled several sums of money belonir to b, e-i players. Mlessrs. Thomson and Co., diistillcr. is. M~r. Pedder prosecuted, and Mr. F. Smith apfarad fu the ?? Buchanan, of the ...