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... HOLLOWAY'S PILLS, a specific for complaints to which females are liable. After the experience of many years, is is incontestably proved, that there is no medicine equal to Holloway's Pills for the cure of diseases incidental to females. The invigorating and purifying properties of these admirable Pills soon produce a sanative revolution in the system. As a medicine for family use, Holloway's ...

1 M P E K 1 U A VE R AG Jfi S

... THE LONDON MARKETS. From the Mark Lane Express. MARK LANE, MONpAY AFTKRNOON, May 30.—Wheat, oats, anef flour were plentiful last week barley in moderate supply; bean#' and peas short. There was a large export of barley, viz, 21,244 quarters, with 50 quarters of oats, and 150 cwt of flour. TUB receipts of English wheat were 4,219 quarters, of foreign 27,506. The morning's supply from Kent and ...


... POTATO MARKETS. BOROUGH AND SPITA I, FIELDS. LONDON, MONDAY, May 30.—Since Monday last the arrivals potatoes, coastwise and by land carriage have been very mode* rate. The quality of the supplies, however, is good. The ports have amounted to 118 sack from Antwerp, 100 tons froi* Dunkirk, and 331 sacks from Rotterdam. The trade was as follows York Regents 98s. to 100s per ton Kent and Essex do ...


... PROVISION MARKETS. LONDON, MONDAY, May 30.—Irish butter in the early part of last week, was in trifling request. Cork of third quality sold slowly at 88s to 90s, fourth at 78s to 80s, Carlow and Clonmel at 90s to 91s, but, subsequently there was a slightly increaseddei mand, at an advance on all kinds of Is to is, and the market closed with apparent ifrmness., Best foreign met ready buyers at ...


... FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. The Ellora, with the mails from Australia, Mauritius, and Bombay, arrived at Marseilles at 3 p.m. yesterday (Friday). The mails left for London at 10 p.m. INDIA. The following telegram, from her Majesty's Consul at Marseilles, was received at the Foreign-office, June 4, 1859:- ALEXANDRIA, MAY 27.—The Ellora brings the follow- ing intelligence: Polilicnl intelligence, per ...


... PROVISION MARKETS. LONDON, MONDAY, June 6,—There was no beneficial change in business last week. The for Irish butter was on a retail scile. Prices Cork thirds nIs to 92s, fourths 82s to 83s, Carlow and Clonmel, 96s to 38s. Foreign was 4s lower, and dull; the best 90s. Our local supplies were abundant and cheap. Bacon without in demand or value, prices unvarying from about 50s to 60s, ...


... THE LONDON MARKETS. From the 'Mark Lane Express. METROPOLITAN CATTLE MARKET. LONDON, MONDAY, June 6.—Very few foreign beasts or calves were on offer in to-day's market; but the show of sheep from Germany was rather extensive. Sales progressed steadily, and prices had an upward tendency. From our grazing districts the arrivals of beasts were moderate, compared with last week but their general ...


... From the IiV(.zrk Lane Express. METROPOLITAN CATTLE MARKET. LONDON, MONDAY, June 13.—There was a full average show of foreign sheep and calves here to-day, but the supply of foreign beasts and lambs was very moderate. The arrivals of beasts fresh up from our own grazing districts were only moderate as to number, but their general quality was very prime. Owing to the prevailing warm weather, ...