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... THB NOINNG CIJONCLR,. LONDON: WEDNSD,41, oC(,'TOBER 27,1824. The question whether the proceedings of the Police Courts shall or shall not be reported was yesterday dis. cussed in the Court of King's Bench. The accuracy of the report was not impunged, so that the decision of the Court will go to determine the lawfulness of publishing any thing which takes place before Magistrates in their ...


... TH1E MORNING CHRONICLE. LONDON: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3a, 1825. The distinguishing peculiarity of the English law is this, that the justice of a case is not the point which it chiefly considers-its atin business is with the forms. To deter from crime, or to promote the discovery of truth, is not so much the object of the law of Egfland, as to hold forth every encouragement to technical skill; and ...


... LON DON: 7 l1V'II.1J ), 1)1 (1 E IjflR 22, ?? 'A C 1 ve received the l'jis Papers of Mionday, and tlh lb,d of I liesday. Th deatll of ?? EmIpC1or ki.l:\%NflER has given rise to mschl SpecuCllion in the Journals. The c(iasltiu(md, ery justly obstrves, that the ex- planation ?? h Is been givcn of the insertion of the t 11Jnd D)uke N .lioL.% s as successor to the Throne, in the B( 1. bi A/ulmatt ...


... THE MORNING CHRONICLBE. tONDON: THURS3DA-2, YUM2' M6. Yeaerday arrived the Hamburgh Mail due o4 Wed. nefday lat. Mr. FREaEa Secretary of LordMINTOs arrived from Vienna. Mr. DzcIlsrts, the Meffenger, from Peterfourgh. - The news by this Mail is not very interefcing. The reports from Smyrna refpecting Egypt aregroundlefs and abfurd. We have later accounts-of the operations of the armies and ...


... THE AfORIVING GIIRGNILL, LOND)ON : Mi(TV1?2;, CC'T ER a6. We on Saturday rcccivcd thLC Paris jout to.i, 2cth, and yeflerday to the 22d inclulive. 4C Govcrnnient (eems to be lofing ro time in the war eftabliffiments. The Enjlifh rrifenm are : be immediately font home, b: t as the balance is 1or u a ainft France, there can bye few now detaired t!2 ! The fortrefl-s along ?? Whlao' frontier of ...


... TIE l MORNING CHRONICLE. LONDON: [eATURDAr, AUGUST 2z. We underfland, that Parliament is to be afferebled early in the month of Oaober, to grant a vote of credit, and for other 1iurpofes. The abundance of the harveft makes it no longer neceffary to reRtri& the diflillery from the ufe of grain ; and the Actl is to be in force for fix weeks after the meenting of Parliament. This may be one among ...


... : TfE - fMR rI2 tcLRUMU i ' .LONt ?? ?? ; SATU2t'DA!' _U i Yecrday' ?? fitft of ?? -Mhils' dtie, ?? it ,xsuWitren oteiliigerceX 'Le~.ers. fronl 51onflandople of the 27tk Qf May, flate, as re port, that the GaANV Vii'1ZIRad made hinfelf:mafler of Cairo. No autl'entic ^ccoUn6ts of the operations of the armnies has been re ceived. , Alexandria, accordirg- .t'o the report of a'vefflfwhich had ...


... THE MORNING CHRONI'CLE. LONDON: TUESDA2, DECEMBEiP I. It is tinderfood that Colonel SINGLEToN h brought over to Min iters romething like a fketch ofthe Definitive Treaty, as it has been ?? for fom time, and at length brought pretty near a conc~ifor between the two Governments. Nobody blieves, ia far1, that much will be left to be arranged in dttail at Anmieas. We are inclined to think that the ...


... THE M01iNIN CHRONTICL E. LONk) ON: TUESDJY, S.9PEMBER 7,1824. We are happy to learn,' that.the official accounts re- ceimed by Government from B3ueuos Ayres. are of so satisfactory a nature, that it is in contemplation to enter into arrangements with the Government of that State, in which it will be considered as independent. This measure will be followed by the formal exchange of Mi. nisters. ...


... l - -- lI______ THE MOANING CHRONICL E. I LONDON: ip f SdTURDAy, AUGUST 21, 1824.' Our readers will find in another column a letter from New South Wales, which has come to us from a source on which we can rely. Our readers cannot have for- gotten the insulting Answer of Mr. Secretary GOULBURN to the Address of the, free Presbyterian Settlers of that colony, on the subject of their proposed ...


... THE.1 JOIITING CHRONICLE. LONDON: WVED.NVErSDJY, SEP7'EAMER 29, 1S24. We received last night American Papers to the 29ch ult.. They are chiefly filled with accounts of the enthu- siastic recepton which General LAFAYETTE every where meets with. 'Thc peasantry of Connecticut, of whomn all travellers speak in such high terms, are said to have displayed the most unbounded enthusiasm. AWe have ...


... THE MfOiNVING CGHONICL r. L O N) O N: MONDAY, JULY 26, 1824. Thie Ettile of Saturday contains an article which is well deserving of attention flis Majesty the Emperor OS RUSSIA, it is said, * desiring to give testimonies of his favour to the Generals arid superior Officers of the armies of his Majesty the ying of FRANCE WhO th/z most distinguished themselves in the late sear in! Spain, the ...