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... To the Editor of The Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News. Sir, As you have permitted Mr. Cyril R. Hallward, in your issue of the 9th June, to discuss, in his opinion, the uselessness of Army Signalling, a subject on which he is evidently totally uninformed, 1 trust you will do me the favour of in serting this letter, as I can claim some acquaintance with the subject. He says, Why go ...


... RUGBY POOTBALL UNION. England v. Scotland, Mabch, 1884. To the Editor oj the Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News. Dear Sir, I am directed By my committee to forward you the following statement on the above question The facts of the case which has resulted in the dispute between the Rugby and Scottish Unions with reference to the late England v. Scotland match are these 1 A Scotchman knocked ...


... . We have been aslted to insert the following Headquarters of the Army in South Africa, Pretoria, 3Qth September, 1900. [To the Editor of the Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic Wetcs.] SlK, Will you kindly allow nte, through the medium of your paper, to make an appeal to my countrymen and women upon a subject I have very much at heart, and which has been occupying my thoughts for some time ...


... . To the Editor of The Illustrated Sportiny and Dramatic Hem Sir, At this period of the year when the already slippery pavements of the metropolis are daily made more dangerous b* frost and rain, will yon allow me to appeal for the sympathy and assistance of your readers for the work of the Horse Accident Prevention Society That a great improvement has been made in the condition of the streets ...


... . [To the Editor of the Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic A lews.] Bi!i.kast, November 10th, Sir, In your issue of 31st lilt., I observed an illustrated report of a smoking concert and prize distribution, in connection with the Hei ne Bay Amateur Rowing Club. Your correspondent commenting on the success of the club says: they had thus achieved the unique position of having won four challenge ...


... . To the Editor of The Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic N iws. SIR,-- Glanders and farcy are modifications of the same genus --both arise from the same causes, and all authorities agree that they usually arise in those situations where hygienic measures are neglected; in unclean stables where filth is allowed to accumulate and to disengage impure gases injurious to the well- being of animal ...


... . Sib, Tbe Press have treated me so kindly from the time when my benefit was first proposed until the finish that I must ask for their indulgence once more to enable me through the public papers to express my heartfelt thanks to my numberless patrons and friends of all ranks in life who have made that benefit a great success. If I had my own will I should have mentioned many in par ticular who ...


... CORRESPONDENCE. MATERIALS FOR MODERN DRAMA. {To the Editor of Tun Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News Sir. It is a very well-known fact that to the casual observer his own age can never appear dramatically suggestive or prolific in materials for poetry. Mrs. Browning's refutation of this fallacy and her lines upon the urgency of representing the spirit and manners of the present in works of ...


... C0tTf.t>pilitatCC. [The fact of the insertion of any letter in these columns does not neces sarily imply our concurrence in the views of the writers, nor can we hold ourselves responsible for any opinions that may be expressed therein.] To the Editor of the Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News.) Sir,-- As a shareholder in the Alhambra Company, and as the writer of the letter annexed to the ...


... . Dear Sir, I have read a lot of twaddle about foxes in trees in the last few issues of your, of course, valuable paper. I have not read the Duke of Beaufort's letter on the subject, nor have I time to refer to it, but I cannot resist pointing out to you that any man who has the least smattering of natural history, and stiff more of anatomy, and the formation of animals' limbs, must know that ...


... on o fact of the insertion of any letter in these columns does not neces sarily imply our concurrence in the views of the writers, nor can we bold ouiselves responsible for any opinions that may he expressed therein.] To the Editor of the Illustrated SroBTiKQ and Dramatic News.) Calcutta, March 22, 1870. e jfy attention has just been drawn to a picture in your of Oct. 2. 1875, entitled tlio ...


... . Sir,-- Will you give publicity in your columns to a few lines. I arrived in Melbourne, from England, beginning of this year, opened at the Academy of Music in Two Roses as Digby Grant. The comedy was an immense success. The papers did me the honour to confess that it was due in no small measure to my exertions. However, in the Era especially that of the 28th of May, boththe part and myself ...