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... C R IC KE T. N.I.C.C. v. DELMONT. This match was played at Ormeau on Wednes. day last, and resulted in a draw. Rea bowled and Fredelle batted for Belmont. The followine. is tba score:_ I TI. Leonard, c Powell, b Rea ?? 6 ,. Henry, ?? . e.. 2 W. Ledsharn, c WItood, b Taylor .. 30 R. E. MILean, c Wood, b Rea ,, 0 AT. Thomas, b Rea *. W. Maxwell, b Rea R*. 0 R. Coleman, b Rea .. 4 D. B. ...


... I ZINGARI v. MILITARY OF IRELAND. Drtimnt, FnrDAY.-A match between the I Zingari Cricket Club and a XIV. from the Gar- risons in Ireland vas commenced this forenoon on the Viceregal Ground. The players were favoured with most delightful weather, and, as on the former datys of the previous matches, a large number of visitors were presen3t. Their comfort was carefully attende'd to, rnd, the ...


... I I FOR'ETELLER'8 NOTES. TursixeT NiourT-There was nothing to boast of s'o far a4s thle \Veathier was concerned at Croydon tlii,, afternoon, but still only slight rain fall, and I.the Company was quite is lrg as could be oic- pocttll j1Qie~c%-ei', the, fiorit Nwil of poor elase, andle, as at tile lI-L jot; ug, backers (lid badly. Wi itiderc rn- brtough t thorin tgrief in the ope ein g, race, ...


... acou *. TMN C. HtYCoE ?? j i~7~ir.;jETX - t HA&YDOKASCInEIOWT! - Tudce-Mr. Brice. ilipper-3. Willciuson. TL.IM~) ?? . Tart large aitt.dancc onl thle third and conciuding day plainly denltnatrstri' Oltie g-rat sueteeas of this populal.r CItriScttis v: .tilerin'. A'iiot''Ueli t tle ?? NVLws leoq favourabl, t o out ioar s'05, 3. heavy misi neecesittinlg a delay of biuttL an houllr, btlls stand ...


... SPORTIN Gi CORETELLER'S NOTES. [BY orta svr,'cL wma4. ,NnwxkxTR-r, TueSDAY NIenTr.-Thongh rain fell before breakfast, the weather w as beautifully fine during the afternoon, and the racing was of EL highly-interesting character. The July Stakes, as was expeoted, was contested by somne smart youngsters, and two ?? and Adelaide filly-fought out the battle. The latter was a warm favourite, slight ...


... = P - C-- K L C I C E T. GLOUJCESTERSHh1tiRi v. MIDDLESEX. GLOUCESTER only added 8 to their overnight total at Clifton on Saturday, and the innings closed for 189. The interest contered in the question whether the Western county could stay long enough to avert a one innings defeat. They had 349 to get wheu they started with W. G-. Grace and Woof at half past twelve. Woof was dis- missed in the ...


... IRISH 1URF NOTES AND CURIMENT TOPICS. :OeDtIN, SA~rnlmAv,-What with thle A.nahl: steoplecabses and coursinl -it Johnstovn and Holestone those who c red to go afleld in search of sport had certainly no difaioulty to find it. The Attanal gatherinh proved an eminently success- f ul Affair, as what with fine weather, a large at. tendanos, good fields, and really exoiting contests, nothing was left ...


... CRIGCKET. TEIB AUSTRALIANS v. I ZINGARI. Ar one time yesterday the Australians had all the worst of their match against the Zingari at Scarborough. When their eighth wicket fell they had only scored 140, and wanted ten runs to save the follow-on, with only two wickets to go down. L From.that point, however, the whole character of the match changed, and when rain stopped play at a few minutes ...


... I - I ENGLISH SPORTING NOTES. [FrnoM OR OWN coiirlSlOD.ENt.] WIIA=TIvEr. complaints bookmakers may have made about the spring and summer handicaps provokling less speculation than in former years, they cannot &grumnble over the lgreat events of the aui;umn-the Cesarewitch anld Ciinbridages llire. Prior to the ixnbliciition of tho entries and the woighlts neithler of toeso ralces perhaps ...


... DISTILLERY 0.C. ATHErTIC SPORTS. E. ont -ice, ple reet Oon day in ub- Irt- aic, 3re. .era Blel ier, sed tile I Of I to the oun sed led, in of ier who ,nil vaes :wo lle- r'W wrs' lies :ion by on ion lity aly sng to no )ro- ut ; em pc- twe tde Im ,ud lW- wer ,es or all 7ill tre than practical. The problems where to put the 60,000,000 cubic metres of earth from the hilly section is a difficnlt ...


... PUNCHESTOWN MEElTING. [SPECIAL TRLEGRAM.] [FROM OUR CORRESPONDENNT.] DUBLIN, TUESDAY.-This, the premier meeting of Ireland, was begun to-day over the famous Punchestown meadows, in the very heart of the beauteous County of Kildare. From time im. memorial Punchestown has been regarded as by far the most impoetant fixture in the Irish racing calender, and an Ilibernian sportsman would quite as ...


... S P O RT IN . ENGLIBU SPOR3TING NOTES. t LONDON, Suiwav.Y-There is no period of the I racing season' more enjoyable than the Sussex fortnight if the weather is fine-, and with thej elements so glorious as they were during the past ( week, turfites tvho- assisted at Goodwood, 1 Brighton, and Lewes must almost have regretted 1 that the close had come whens the ourtain dell r yesterday afternoon. ...