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Cardiff, Glamorgan, Wales

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Advertisements & Notices

... -~J p IWAY WACO3 ) co ?? I,. ~~DOCKC / X TEEL. iT~S b D ? gnquirloi tar Prro i Sol n f t icltcrrs-O'TiifNO, c~nDliF I .F S IRhTITIF ,;t and DEATHS. veo-l- fl':S ?? under thisi hed aceit styib)r'cl t, a teiniessil ratte of 2s. 6d. for 30 cbr-esd d for ah ardditional word,ad 51551fe tceittd. o nfiVeS Of this djescription oj~ It jteete itles autheitiintted by the r a( tlet of thes sender or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ' PREPAID SCALE. Situationss Offered or Wanted, Apartments. Mroney- Wanted, Partnerships, Lost and Found, bisellanfosel Wants and Sales, Businesses, Hlouses, Shops, Offices, to Let or Soll, if prepaid, are inserted in the Weoterni flail and 'Evoning IExpress' at tho foltoasint rates:- WORDS. ONCE. TMS DF' s TIMES. . TIME. i 12 Words 0 6 1 0 1 6 199 1 6 2 3 3 26 ,, 1 0 20 30 33 3 26 39 40 ,, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... For 1NFAHThp,' INVALIDS, and the AGhD JBenger's From asn EmItnait Surgeon. After a lengthened experience of Foods both at home and in Indiap Iconsider 'Benger's Food' in co mparnbly srper to any I have ever prescrnbed. Bge9rir Food is tld in Has' by Chindstr, doc., ?? ?? w. 13IRT~rS, MARRIAGES, and DEATHS. W-NoT'rcnseSappe ng undertthli heads e ir ehrged SA at a wrnidntnt rate of 3h. 6d. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I - - ?? ~lil IfG I o ?? ?? J- , Cannot!' b~e induced to go ?? iU. Thou8ands of pcflple wha l(, DR. TIBBIEl r VI-C0 C:OA-J8 an experimenit-n regularly, and 0o 2 not be induced to go back to the sick arid often iniu preparations prevaously used. It is Succi. Not a ne 1eicinobut a strengthening, stimulative, ?? tive Food Bewase. r t and palatable, and emE numerous ?? contained in Malt, Hops, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S ExcelsiO99or Whisky PERFECTION OF BLr,,NDED SCOTCH WISKY.--See Lancot.'J 6M89 X. ?V. __I 09, __ 2 1 *, S.aA.FuL C- 'I S. &A. FULLER AnDozss, BATH. COACHBUILDERS, I Largest itock in West or Etng land and Wales. SPECIAL DEPARTMENT FOZ REPAIRS. Established Nearly Tve CentUrleS. AgAt.7 I -n DAVEY, PAXMAN9 AND CO, n, aCLIITED), EN GIN E RS AND OI LE R JMV A X E R COLCHESTE R. MAXERS OF 0. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 5TO0N E R O S. (Sons ef the late Alderman G. A. Stone), co MI P 1L E T B FUNERAL lURNISHEBR S FUNERAL DIRECTORS. ET.VI.Y REQUISITE MO FUNEirLS OF ALL CLASSES. Prop'ietozs of Inserml Cars, Uearev, Sleellibiers, 1I andgoaches. Superb Flemish perses, to. PRICE LIST 0?rT APPLICATpIN.~ Note the Only Acddrerv * 5, WORI [ NG S T 3 E ? T. Teolermms: STONE BROS, CADIFF. SToNE AND CO., TJ NDERTAKE rS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Money to Lend-fE'ontlnued. TO SI I)'T l'WithoutMoe- rnfrm£0t£00 tetdirrbtoresponsible appliconts. N eso e5 Cer Tlo interest. Distance no object.- W. Tr. Smot, 18. Suonianrdale. Clifton. Bristol. 67240 1 F Adrance' -aily Sums from P-I £10 to £1,60Ra Yeotloet oL Buslness:- FATR INTEM~~T. Now EASY IF.-l'AYIE.NTS. ItIGI- ABSOLUTE PRIVACY. CON6 113LFLTAY. Lot NO SURETIES. busin TRADE BILLS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... on DAILY STOCK AND SHARE LIST 03SUPPLIE D BY BU~Y MESSRS. THACKERAY AND CO., STOCK AND SHARE BROKERS, 3, DOCK- CHAMBERS, CARDIFF. RAILWAYS. Paid. Prices. - StockrBarry Undivided ?? ?? 222 13 flu. 4 pec.Pefdl.Ord. 100 i1 11 B ?? Cr3 100 i.s15 1 B1' Crdiffn On lertliyr ?? 103 ?? 5 10 11 Carestf ji.c. Ild Ord 100 ?? 1011 110 Teidol GrntWestern ?? 03 ,.63 163 xd f, L, donu& N. Western. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DIY STOCIK'AND SHARE ~LIST I E1 S S 1lS. THACKEUAY AND ~CO. 6'r0C3, AND SuAtilS OI~iOICIERS. ?? DOCK- CIOAMBIMifS, CARDIFF. RAILIVAY)3 Paid. Filoees S~tock,13ft01') Lidilvided~ .. ?? ?? 218 ;222 Do. A 1) o17rdld. GIN. 100 ?? h Ill lb. JDelerrel1 Ora 100 ?? hO. 1lit 313reeoil ond ZIortloyr i, 101).. . 5 30 Ill pff c. Ord ?? t00oo 106 110 Gfteat Western 10 ?? i 0 16i 1 1621 (4x 1,I iiion & N. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jD STOP PRESS. D I C This Space is Reserved for , Important News received after Li we nave gone to Press. GENERAL GATAC1E'S IiETURlZN. A Shrowsbury corresponient reports lhat, acxording to information from a ?? :ourue, Sir William Gatacre is Ieaving- South A.!rica by this week's mail steamer, and, on arrival in Englaid. wvill resunie the command of the Eastern District, Colchester, now tlli- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PREPAID SCALE. Situations Offered or Wanted, Apartcetate, Tmst aed tondd. Uliscellanencs Wants and Sales, Housea to Let B Sell, IF PREPAID and ordered for oeenieCUIM ariertione, ame inserted in the Weetere Mal'- and ?? Express at the following rates:- ;-.m I I i In alt cases uname acid address are counted Ias VY T!. Part of the advertisement. a-n If alternate ?? are required er the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PREPAIT) SCALE. litnatione Offered or Wanted, Apartments, Ioat and U'ound. Miscellaneous Wants and Sales, Rnainesaei, vouses. Shos, Offices to Let or Sell, IF' PREPAID and ordered foa consecutive insertionfA. are inserted in the Western .fail and Evening Express at the following rates:.- WORDS,. ONCK. TITRA ' T m^OBS. ocz. TIHE!S. ^, llryS. fi, d, s, d. s, d. 12 or lens 0 6 1 0 1 6 13 to ...