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Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... TO ADVERTISERS AUi letters in answer to Advertiemcents through the Prlntere are for- warded to the proper parties, and the Prfinters have no more eon, trol over them. *'A1Ms !epitl ltter and numobeirJ means the applicants are to &P~e ?? ay ese snd ?? but ,*ftuatf no, C greacbt?, soll1entfoom &a. IT ANTED. engaement as GOVERNESS or Companion. Abrod VV not objected to. Address U 89, Merceay ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ARCHIBALD RATIISPEN'S GRAND MILITARY AND VOCAL CONCERT, In AID of the 51016 CUd WOIJNDED lii WAR. ? 0B1?HE? GLEE UNION, the lliaade ?? ?? cesumirac a degree of imporiaawe wholly ?? Cleat-n froan the Gentlemen of Her Maje?tc's (Impel RI ? Abbey, St. Paul'e Cathedral, &c., and baiter eat't1 a? ?itg together, they itlotad their beautifaji ceicca in the toost re? etee1d,1terl? harmony. Nothing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... co GBEAr CRIMSTMAS SHOW. 1-'AE\,itY OF FAT CA'T~LE, SHEEP, PIGS, l'fY. 'mE)N~ iist'IlTS, &ea ?? ANNUAL S1l to MT ill take Place in thle 'fle LE3'EN',tortlstre~.i xicests on TUE-OlAY. WED. ?? it5 Ill' ~~i~l~t0Y, Dles'cMI~l'It II'l, 14TIE assd Util, 15-. t 1s,'jp OF T1fF FltISAIOi GUVARDS will attonsd and Te131t wass- i INGLEI5EWS LESMODEL ]tAXI). ' --l' Thu 15 ia t t¾5.Is'd.: frinii 2 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEEWAR VICTIMS' FUND ?? 't~he DISTfPESBD) PEASANTRY co'l other NON.COXF- D3ATANTS, SolleITere by thle War Iin France anai Oerrnenv, to ho die- trihutted tinder tie' care of a CommittEI of thle Societet of I~rleeds. learn members of the SocietAo Friends tn LTrdq, £27 1017 'P-IlE GENERAYL SBiSCJIPPItON. ArayeerII ?? £7 05 -0s. ?? O Anon, yper B, Leleliero 0iit~`' Io Annpo F Reynolds.01 0 J. ?? 0 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ?? -- _ 3L~trutatton,. OT . 17, BOOTHAM, Yorl.-Tho 11isses KIRBY ! viilll B me the dii of their school (iv.)Arv'ns l. S CARBEOROUGIf EDUCATIONAL 1ESTABLISH1- IAIENT for Yorng Ladies-A thorough Englih Eldueation and ,very home comfort, .S qgiinoni per nnuim. The Principal, through Tai[Mr years' reeidenoe nebrued, eticrl grent advantagus t) pupils atiudying modern lsingiagrs. Accomplishmnents ...

Advertisements & Notices

... stips anA ?? G LASGOW AND THE HIGHLANDS. ItoYal Routs, viad Orinat, and Caledonian Canals, By Eoyal Mati Steamer lona, front Ola'gow Bridge Whurf, convteing ;,aasenpgr for Oban, Fort William, and tnvornezi daily (Snnlys excepted ), at 7.0 nem. Itraine to Greenocli at 8 and 8.S amr ), For aailanca to Goirleb, Rocasbire, Stal, Ionn. Gleneos, Zarl Skye, Lwis, and West 33igl,1ands, oe time tablbes ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OH U JR 0 H, H R I 9ftuppEa ARUFILE 'the ?? F e his Church Will take0 Plaid low1.) on FRIDAX, ,r~gCo~erati' , ,~ve o'clock in the &srenoona. be,, Jniarni to ?? .idl he preached hi the Right Ww37 the ?? tdtat Word caii by the Very tev. the DEA.'N, ,he ttseer¶~i% Iur;OEUN in the Schools after the Mitoing; Tk-:.1 O be lt, ?? extra. B3Y ORDER. tLLST~.THAPEL-The ANNUA.L rF L ono ANYARTICLESi will ...

Vot, 108.—No. 10,452.1 Published Daily. J

... INAN I A L REFORM. PUBLIC MEETING in support FINANCIAL REFORM V UI held THIS TUESDAY) EVENING, in Hall Leeds Mechanics' Institution, Oookridge-street. Addresses will delivered PETER E«q., MP.. A ILL INGWORTH, Eiq.. MP, N. W. EONALD, President of the Liverpool Financial Reform Associution; F. DOULT. Vice-Prudent; EDWIN HUGHES, Member of the Counciland several other Gentlemen. Chair to taken at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VIIHEE VACANVIES Occulrrng in an rild-estab- A. ided and firs-osS LADIES' ECHO L, the ?? Will VtI thmu nthe reduced ternis of £24 per annum. 5ioet_.,., refehences on plrto. Address Y 2435, Mercury-office, Leads. references on appli-ti~~lL, F 901 .L~1JO 'rINAL ESTABLISHMENT. 17, Ste. Mary's Bootbani, York. C~orrdilted by UfSilS FAWCETT, aos At- ad ?? nd aree~ident PasOione.UO Bafrenessto ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L-sIlp~pfngt Noties. D TA.M'IJND FIEIDS, Soiith Africa--TLe A I itithper VINGENI will bo ?? for DItLcr NSXPA 1l ij Vhe t-il inlanturoitivety. Now loudceg in St.. 'Lathmino D.ocs. C.birs, ?? ; steet-re, 16 gtiit.F'. i jlt, to IBUt.LLARI), iKiN(, anod G., 7.5, Mack-ten-.: oc to J. ?? RFNNELII, 132, l3cniueh-stroor, Leudna, E. 1. A 4S2 ! ,f R.IIM>T LI?-N of I'AC .:i'ST to AUSrbuX_1A.- 'sieege ...