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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... F p1AG Or Dr1 LIVINGSTONE. Saturday, the remains of the great African eller were dePeDitad, 'with al Possible respect ceremony, sinongst the ashes of Eugland's reddead. Niue years sinoe le left these rewith the avowed determination to solve the geogvnghi cal problem of twenty centuries at geo PdisOver the exact position of the bat is ho Nilet-and on last Wednesday week ces of the wa bl ht back ...


... _ m Friday (yesterday» COTTON. —The past has been a very active, bustling v%»ek tiie cotton market, with *ales to lar*e amount, exporters speculators, well the trade, having been u chafers. There has consequently been an advance since la»t day of fully $d. per lb. on all decrtptiocs of American middling ;uo i about jd. on all other kinds. At this advaoce market closes with great firmness. The ...


... ■Cont d . from Col. 84. Gazette—Jan. 29, 1867. Charles Bernard, (Dec. 31,) upholder, Did Bond-st. Inspectorship (21,933) to pay 15s. Inspectors—Thomas Clemens Watson, warehouseman, Cheapside, James Henry Chance, carver and gilder, London-st, Fitzroy-sq, and Lindsay Walters, silk manufacturer, Newgate-st. ANSDELL Henry Wretteuhall, (Jan. 9,) commission merchant, Liverpool. Comp. (21,974) of Is. ...


... YORKSHIRE WINTE R ASS IZES. p ~~SATURDAY, DzCzxamR, 16. HJer Majesty's comimission for the Yorkshire Ig Winter Assines was opened this day. The High Sheriff, : Sir JOSEPH WILLIAM COPLEY, Bant., of Sprorbro' Hall, 1,arrived at his private lodgings in Ceney-street, about noon. e His entrance into the city was announced by a peal fromi' the bells of St. Martin's-le-Grand,' a.9 was also the ...