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London Dispatch


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London Dispatch

Stetem IBoat Acetdeat

... Stetem Acetdeat. On Sunday afternoon an accident of a frightful nature, whieh created the greatest excitement on the river, occurred oft Rotherhithe tbe Haidy, a new Greenwich steamer, belonging to a company recently established. The Hardy was proceeding down the stream about four o’clock, with a great number of passengers on board, when she struck a barge off Cherry-garden stairs, and the ...


... W'e have received Jamaica papers to the sth ult. From their content, we learn that di.turbance. had Corine Hill, St George’., that idand, where the labouring MDUlationare .tated to have reacted totoretjun po.- So of their house, and d ; rent Ffw, or no detalLs, however, are given, we te Xwed to hope that there were not o'nature tobe either erten.ively iniurion. or J« More rain feU ult.. ...

35 to 38 to 45 to 50

... 35 to 38 to to 50 10 Oj 15 0| 3 5 LIFE ANNUITY RATES. For every £lOO sunk with this Company, immediate Annuities will be granted according to the following scale, viz.:— Age 30 to 40 to 45 to 50 to 55 to 60 to 65 to 70 8 0 0 I 8 10 0] 9 0 0 I 9 10 0 I 10 10 0 IS 10 0 10 0 Per Cent. J pr. ct. | pr.ct. | pr. ot. | pr. ct. | pr. ct. pr. ct. Thus man thirty-four years of age may secure for bis ...


... SUNDAY, MAY 27, 1838. Tbr Meond reading of the Irinh Poor L«r Bill was to the Home of on Tuesday. Bat that it yet be thrown out /that house is probable, unless they greatly stter it to their own fancies. Wbaterer Uli may ooooootod thft legislature, we deeper aristocraU adopting any systentreally relieve one of the deatitntion in Ireland. Misrule, sapersthiaa, and ignorance have ...


... Th« Bt**m-w>at Noh*kc«.—Joiiim ffttkt, th* muttr of the Greenwich, Oreenelch •teem-pechet, wee fined 31. for lawfully t«*ml .1. r«»t«r r»M .peed tee mile, an hour, between London-bridfe and the limit, of Ltmehonee Reach. John Pindar, the muter of the Pearl Orareeend eteamer, baloofini the Diamond Company, wu charged with elmUar o«boee.—He pluded gullty.-lt wu that the Teeee) wu going at the ...

Sum Astursble for this

... In Standard Broland. The Pl*» of Inilitution pirtlcuUriy «UU*d tMABta for life and others who may desirous of raising money »h£h «DOt be mede eJelleU. without Afcur«ce order of the S^eU,,. CERTAIN Cure for Coughs, Cold*, Aiibrnaa, InflueoiM. CoMampOoo. Breath, fcc. The .umerou. imtancre which PAPL BAMERICAN BALSAM ku e«Ktnd » P«rf«t rar« to th« j*o« oraptataM ban procured for a important placa ...

Reported Law Changes

... It is generally rumoured in Westminster Hall, that in consequence of the continued indisposition of Mr. Baron Holland, a racancy on the Eichequer Bench will shortly be announced, and that the Solicitor-General (Sir R. Roife) will be appointed the new judge. A variety of rumours are also afloat as to who is to succeed Sir R. Roife as Solicitor- General. Several names are mentioned, but the ...


... M. Pringle, Esq., lias addressed another admirable letter to the farmers of Cowfold, near Horsham, on the propriety and policy of raising labourers' wages. He gives four sufficient reasons for this step The farmers’ personal advantage—the justice of the step—the humanity of it—and its accordance with religion. have only room for the following paragraphs:— Before the New Poor Law Act came Into ...


... A new burletta, called Tkt Man teith the Nose, has been played here this week. It is a strange production, with plot running somewhat thus;—Von Snortenfeldt (O. Smith), Dutch amateur artist, has fallen in lore, at first sieht, with Mrs. Percival (Miss Shaw), without knowing woo she is. He describes the lady and his passion for her to her husband, Mr. Perciral (Mr. Saville), who humours the ...


... MANSION-HOUSE. KoMork Asguxgos Sunday.— lF. ATemp, flsherman, was charged with having allowed gentieman fish from his boat near Teddincton-lock, on Sunday, Aug. p. A solicitor attended for the clrfendant.-John Dear, fisherman, residing at Brentford, stated that he was bred and l»ro a fisherman, that on the day specified, about quarter before one o clock, saw three gentlemen in the defendant ...