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Morning Chronicle


... ?? !NVQUES7. Veteerday monn t ten o'clock -a Court was opened ba:: s C.A. Ja~sT s. Coroner for Sur~rey, aind contist' it sitting until alter twio o'clock, examinling witriesse.l, in nirder n- to astertain as far as possibie by what me~ans Mr. George Jolla. ,on came by his death. Tned following are a few additional particulars as theyappear. a din eviderice ?? deceased was1 ?? 40 years of aige ...


... LVY ' INTELLIGENCE. COURr OF CHiiANCEtRY, LINCOL.N'S INN HALL. SAIiJ'tJAY, DilC. 24. CASSELL V. SCOFFIP.LD. Sir S. RoFTLLY stated, that a Petition had been presented in' this case for Captain J. inpey of the Royal Nav, for havin, it referredto the Mraster, to-re. teive proposals for a szttlement on Fanny Cassell, now InIpey, a ward of this Court. The matter was accor- disgly rvferred to the ...


... SURREr 23PECIAL SESSIO9WS, Algut! 5X INSOLVENT JDEBTORS - . Nelron Gribble was opposed uuder'tlie ?? 'lause of the. A1.d which provides, that the henefit of its. a shall not.ex-; eend to hy 'person obtaining reioey or goods utinder ?? pr-e. tences, unless ctheyshall have been in confijeautnt upvar jerof . ten years. Mr. MARaRIOT stated, that in' the year tod, the Priosner was Mate orfsthe Lbrd ...


... POLICAE. 'o*'.SrT ?? Satutrday the Hon-orrab's AvgoseosBars M9ii .VCatter *ere briug t to the office in tite cusiocd Vi Anthony and othet Officers, befdte &vr: G£Afigia, ilba cross peace warrants. The Maglitrate heard 'Mr. iarry's C6aeq' first -i-Ic that dn 'Thursdiy eieiing' he met Mr. Carretr, *vf X IC hld up fist fist in a nieflacifig manner, and threatened to 'strike li-m * blit he ...


... I'LAW : N-TVLLIGRNw g. ' COtJRT OF-CHANCERY.-JyVLT 19.I -tHAY4NAUKET THFAII'RE . * , AO.2RR Y1. COLEMANI. - Thfe-Iioao'C~itic~i4og said,,that th~e biltin thiecase st~ted n a singular sort of agreement betwceen the. partiesi-hat tiey should be tenants in tonsmon of this property for ever fore hr-appossted a malsager he thought it right that an insfru ment shotulbe drawa up pursuant to thi. ...


... LA? ' INTELLIGENO. 1I . coua'r O.'KCEQUER. - - ~~~SE1tJCTXoN.X 6TIRTAN'GE Xv. fOoRE, Thi swiis t anai:in'b .ght by the'rlaiiti'f, who is ?? t 1Kingston.tapon'.Tliatnes, against the 'Deferdant, a. Captain of Dragoohsi.,stitioned at Ha mp- ton Court, for the purpose ?? compensaiion oi the S d tion of hiis. Daughr:tea's beautiful girl fiorn 14 to;5 ye5l's of ag'e. It Wililpr'bably be; ...


... . ? ? I .. ?. I , %I-OZI-exL? - I COURT OF 0INQ's BRSNC'U, JULY 20; utltmrra 1flare Lorou Et orwgb and a Skecal ,kry; ,. , S lr~at 'eitms~rlr,'r.t . .TFE k11SG AGAINSTC1NFA'iETY. The Defendant having witlsdr awrn lhis plea oF Not Guiltv' and theieby allowing jridgment to go by de- fault, the cause did not proceed. THE OI.G V. JOUN OA.L JONES Mr. ABBOTT having opened the proceedings in ...


... LAW INTELLIG1xNCE. COURT OF KING'S BENCH, JuN. iS.t- , : SEDUCTION.- .SUTTON ?? STEPHSENS. r Mr. GAR ROW, on the.part'of the Piaintit, stated that tl ts was an aaion brought to recover: damages for an injury of the most serious nature that could be inflited on a patelit. It was to recover compensation for. the se- sludion and consequent loss of service of a daughter.- Y The Plaintiff he'd ...


... ioIR S I MAReLauiOR oia.USTRsz'r, A eiiar~e was tinde ?? ott Satiirdav, by a trn~identan'O vkrie, eJ± St. Anna, paffigh agalnet another tirt.esmaji, for' -mitn a rap~ nti tier ptrson Tbfi, ,Prosgctrtixi statid thite ihe 'Priender fanltosed ie-r into e Knuse,'ana .vRn!leed We'p1ersohe gdin'st 'her wilte ait!1inuh she- nsaei'eevry re; turneidiiut; however 'that thecosn- ~I int had nther ...


... *GLOUC7BtEfl 4$S4E big wi .14 . . . J S lR. AO. X7Fi.Fy Lttejkek, ag$4~ twcjity-ight, was-in3. le o fw it i m4.rdt aod: h i rnts,, sisr, -im ?? SDtbngt kth d or P 4},pl thie ntormno of ur ry:,f the td of' Junei i gsi in tile i arsh to Cow ftbuey I a i bowrne, in tolis C1u.A . - . -J~eitig'49 ' the father of ~hetIceaed, as. the TE lhfifst wits ess-called.k.. Ele stoedp thatdb', 4uneter .ii1 [r ...


... PO LICF 1. MiURMI't OF1 MRt. RMll! NS. WIs cAI AMt Ilosec aliasi Joita \lWoo o, whtosy bratrul a fewe rys'Q Bnon. 0 as traced from Worcester. to the Canrle and Fairon, Oin \ider'~ne~stet'tand fron I there to a court in ll B nhpSgAtV- onl !t w t A dli- a and ''atnoton, the Bovi-strect lirhrug ye Lt e tolluiu ?? a coopt`4er's carrta, aunklewcut a long C.c ?? ie r ion on Situ.-Jay, at Siaflth-J, ...


... Yesterday came on ?? Trial of WYLLSAM ISAWvttR, for the 1 Wilful M1urder of Hlarriett G;tskell, at Canmpo Grande, near Lisbon, on the 27th oF April, 5814. The ATaroiNte(aitsttRAL .said, the prisoner was engagted in the Coqimrissariat Depaitrinent, in the City of Lisbhn, at which place, and in the sante lDepartmenft,. wla a per.inn of the namne of Rlickardi, who had resided.withithis person, ...