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... ASSEMBLYIS COLLEGE, BELFAST. CLOSE OF THE SESSION. a a THE HIGHER CRITICISM1 d C -s-sia ?? t ermting in cornect'iit. with the zthe ?? mi te A-.senlbly s College, ' *-1~ Ia- held xe-:te. yiU th- t;,mbl'- Library I ThE Ptrisd nt oi the College. li--v. XV. D. i! D.D.. D.Lir.. presitedl, and anmong those ellt weie-hhe Moderator oi the General As- !a ?? i- OlrnOeP ?? ch. Professor WV. Todd d a D.D. ...


... BELFAST. The ?? of thhese ressionS ?? contined at the Coun es Courthose Csruelin Road, on Satur- day, by his Horour Judge Fitzgibbon. who was occupied throughout tkh day in the hearing of un- deferaled civil bills. T'he Court adjourned until to- morrow. BALLYBOT. Before his Honour Judge KISBEY. Messrs. Thomas J. Ma-ron, Clerk of the Crown and Peace; Arthur F. Moffet, registrar; and James ...


... I _ _ _ CARRICKFERGUS GRAND JURY. On Saturl-da forenoon Yr. Robert Kelly, jun., Under-Sheriff, in the I'llvoXddble absence through illness of Mr. Roberb HeIRly, J.P., H;gh Sheriff of the County of tie Town of O.Urlrickferguh, atitended at the Courthouse, ?? the f ollowiug- gst leiiei wvere sworn by Mr. H. N ~eile McaIrmnlick, Clerk of the Crown, on the Gricnd Jury: - Rtobert acurray, J.P. ...


... DUBLIN LAW IIlPOIRTS. LAW NOTIOES-THIS DAY. i Ai i OLri;,c ii't Co.iid llgitleoi1 polier. lb. Be]- fas v~~oz ;IM Li'Stirctil crortio. i6; L'BkIfest c'4i Fe- ci, ' L i E',lisl: v.)~i 23. lfi 2 S 'mir~ t a; Co. v. bon.Nw 6; Brew v. Brew, ;o;a ocSjirK'II Li-11 Fi i t i-kin CD., S; i ~vn :tnzijotier.o TO; MCoe N. the Mnat Northiern Ti itiI lm~iin'l Gas light Co., 1.: 10 - i i ii Di;)11 Mi ii Br; ...


... I YESThRTJAY--B-fore his Honour Judge FITzGrBBON, M1essrs. H. M'Neile M'Cormick, registrar; Edward Allworthy, official assignee; and A. J. Weir, deputy registrar, were present. I Two arrangement matters wtere disposed of, in which Mr Wallace, Mr. Hayes, and Mr. Moore- head were professionally engaged. IN RE PATRICK BRtEE. The bankrupt was a spsrit-krocer in Leopold Street, and the matter came ...


... TM S CHARGES AGAINST A BELFAST EX-DI R CTO R. PROCEEDINGS IN THE GCSTODY CORT. In the Belfast Custody Court yesterday, before Messrs. F. G. Hodder, KM11.; John Burke, James Jenkins, and J. Herdrana, John Thompson, for- mnerly a director in the firm of Messrs. Thompson, Rogers, & Co., Linited, linen manufacturers, Severn Street, was charged, on remand, 'with having, within the past twelve ...


... DOWNPAT1MTOK. -The fortnightly court was held yesterday, before Mr. Mr. Healy, J.P. (in the chair): Colonel Bowlbv, R.M.; Dr. Heron, J.P.; Messrs. J. Cleland. J.P.; J. Denvir, J.P.; and J. Tate, J.P.; W. R. Whiteside, clerk, in attendance. Mr. H. C. Weir, solicitor, obtained a provisional transfer of the licensed premises in Church Street, formerlv held in the name of John Dick- son, deceased, ...


... ,-tpF~ IN~ AI[ERIC Al THE EAGAN COWIT-3ARTIAL. PAINFUL SCENE IN WASHINGTON SUPREME COURT. BY CABLE. .ROMS OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT. NFW Yonx, TaSURSDAY.-The court-martial on Commissary-General Eagan continued its sitting to-day at Washington, and heard a number of wit- nesses for the prisoner. All of them testified as to Eagan's perturbed state of mind from the moment General Miles gave his ...


... DUBLIN LAW REiPORTS. LAW NOTICES-THIS DAY. (From the Legal Diary.) ROLLSS. Rt. E. Hooner, deceadesi, Houiter v. HRnner; R. Ryan, denceded, ltaim v. Ryan; TLwless v. Widon: J. Currall, deceased, Carroll v. lasijrarhal; (l:arner v. Pinu HLeyv v. Doughty, Torley r. Toro; J. Hodges. decca.,0d. Holees v Hodges; V W. Martin, decee-ed, White v. lartmn; F. Mi: enS. deceased, lirHyn-1 v. il .Man;u ...


... MAGEE COLLEGiE, LO- JONDERRY CLOSE OF THE SESSION. The usual public mteedtng in connection with the clo.,e of the session was held in thc Common Hall of 'Magec College, yesterday. Professor Lcebody, D.Sch., President. of the Faculty, occu- pied the chair, and on the platform with him wvere-Rev. Professor Henry, D.D. (vice-presi- dent),; Rev. Prlfesser Graham, MA. ; Rev. Pro- fessor Woodburn, N ...


... ZTTY SESSION& RALznotr.-These weekly sessions Wre held in the Ballybot Courthouse Yesterday, before Messrs. Henry Turner, B.M. (presiding); -James Aiken, J.P.; Robert Harpur, ?? and J. C. Nicholson, t 3.P. Daniel Larkin, Bridge Street, summoned P. Burns, Pool Lane, for having assaulted him on Sunday, the 9th inst. Mr. Hanratty appeared for l the complainant, ad Mr. A. Fisher defended. Larkin ...


... POLICE INTELLIN Ct. - . BELFAST CUSTODY CO UP.Ts-vz Before Mr. G.UaRar. X~t Lii Edward Bretman %vtc ..i_ rn5. and Count>' DoliiRawen ?? theirir. \Willian Beatuic ?? . e ans orilercil six ?? MIr. Lewr:s prosccutedl tr tliv Thnnns Csonnoliv, Ihost a A similar hune Wa.-m s¶ r was charged with 1IVIict, . Heniry..- Martha ?? rt is: v:o stable Shcni-t with N. ?? false Pretences. 10>. - A remand ...