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... TEACHERS LEARN OF VACANCIES BY; WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. KEEN CONTEST FOR APPOINTMENTS. Scholastic appointments which for some time have been exciting the liveliest interest in the teaching profession were made by Dundee School Board yesterday. The members made no secret of the factj that they had been well canvassed by aspirants for the posts. ! The most important appointment was that of a ...


... 'Olh enhanced prices in SILVER JEWELLERY. > SILVERPLATE, KS AND WATCHES. j *AL VALUE NOW OFFEREDi CONSIGNMENT OF , sew goods i U «T TO HAND, j •turchased by Mr Hendarson. SEE OUR SELECTION. STREET, FALKIRK. Xertisement - _ , *v«raaßraent> IVCJ'V n. for insertion « p * per in Britain, Ireland, »nd Publisher’s own prices. * *ll information free on application E'. JOHNSTON & Co. OFFICE 125 HIGH ...