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... spring great SURPRISE SE£ ks co-operation OF BRITAIN TO RESIST GERMAN DRIVE EASTWARD °Und AS PARTNER IN new coalition OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT s P n a big surprise on niats throughout the world will begin in o ~morrow with the arrival of King Carol Prince Michael on a three-day State Carol and Prince Michael left Bucharest last night. accom Panied by the Rumanian Foreign Minister t, suite. ...


... DUNDEE. For a good many years past the keynote of American foreign policy has been isolation. The most passionate wish of the mass of the people was that they should stand rigidly apart from the quarrels and bickerings of the Old World. This policy found its final expression in the passing of the Neutrality Act. But the Act had hardly found its place on the statute book when influences of ...

The Citizen

... orrictt /•*»•» Lai*, ifimiun. i 'Ho*ttUn. *KLKrUOHS. Olniuw WJt [Tout ion Dot omens i Carmthtt UoMf. B.CA {Tiltpkon*. Ctmtni ...

Friday, 18tb, 1939

... GOLDERS GREEN. ?1066 AND ALL THAT.? Play and Pageant Union in Excellent Production. A SHOW AMPLE SPEED. It ditiicult to to start reporting the Play and . ?mt Union s production of 1066 And All That,? presented to packed audiences at the iDstitute, Central-sqaure, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The Timet and Ouardian representative who attended the first performance had seen the original ...


... A big new insurgent offensive against Madrid was launched this morning. Fierce fighting now in progress is described as the most violent that has been witnessed on the Madrid front for over a month. Fighting is going on on the Huesca front, where Government trench mortars are reported to have destroyed two enemy strongholds. In the Santander section considerable progress is being made in the ...