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Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Monday's Post. [by Express.]

... [By From the LONDON GAZETTE. Whitehall, January 7. BY difpatches received this day by his Grace the Duke of Portland, his Majefty's principal fecretary of ftate for the home department, from the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland and Mr. Pelhatn, dated the 3d and 4th initant, it appears that a part of the French fleet had returned to Bantry bay. and that a further part had been feen off the mouth of ...

MONDAY'S POST. rßvFvnrffs .1

... MONDAY'S POST. ?? .1 Fnm the LONDON GAZETIE. ll' kite hall, February 15. THE King has been pleafed to order and duett the Lords Lieutenants of the feveral counties underme.itione -d to embody the whole of the milit ia forces of i'uch counties, viz. Herts, Montgo - mery, Glamorgan, and Rutland. The King has been pleafed to appoint hi s Grace John, Duke of Athol, to be Governor in Chief a, d ...