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... Everlasting Punishment ’ is the subject of the Lesson-Sermon in all Churches ef Christ, Scientist, on Sunday next. The Golden text is: ‘ The hope of the righteous shall be gladness but the expectation of the wickod shall perish.’ (Proverbs 10: 28). Among the citations which comprise the Lesson-Sermon is the following from ths Bible : “Though hand join in hand, the wicked shall not be un ...

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... Hirst ated hada a “ TUBER Los Is: ITS TREA AND CUR Dr, ADRI Feat HAYE (tran rom 8 No one inter , T.B_can 5/ book. Price Booksellers misg reading Tost Free f lishers, B. Fraser & GO, London, 8.W.20. reg the the ren rm Sta mnt thr wh FRIENDLY SOCIETIES’ CONFERENCE The National Crisis ...

ANNOUNCEMENTS. Births ?not exceeding four lines are charged 2s. 6d. each. Marriages?special announcements ? are ..

... four lines; and exceeding four lines 6d. per line extra. Ordinary notices inserted free. Deaths?with the wqrds Friends will please accept this intimation, or similar appendage, will also be charged 2s. 6d. each; if exceeding four lines, 6d. a line extra. Ordinary notices inserted free. Notices of either kind must be verified with the name and address of the sender, or they cannot be inserted ...

SCA ADVER LE OF CHARGES FOR TISEMENTS. Official, County, Manicipal, Government, Parlinmentary, Audit, Legal, ..

... per single colum in inch. Public Meetings, Agricultural ‘ows, Railway Excar- sions, Lists, Appe s, Bank and Company Balance Shevts, Election Addresses & Thanks Notices, Church, and other Services. Ts. 6d. per single column inch Ss. per singte a! iach. Aucti rs’ Address N otices and Liye Stock Sales, &. per single column inch. Gales by Auction, 5s. per sing le column inch per sing! Amusement ...

travelling dairying SCHOOL AT RUGELEY

... TRAVELLING DAIRYING SCHOOL AT RUGELEY an invitation from Mr. fn 9 of Lee Hall, Rugeley, geo. C lace with the object 1 paid visit to his something of the work which accomplished by the County Deirying hool, et lucted fravebiré Noble. N.D.D.. in cor tion of inst ruc ” to wit ‘which a course ne Ruge'ey District, t the needs of tl the capacious farm hw! in progr ss in. lve Hall The class 8 are ...


... EAR-TO-HOM MOTOR SHOW Why journey to Olympia when, close at hand, in our showroom, you can see Ford passenger and commercial vehicles that are without equal for low initial and upkeep costs amongst cars, vans and trucks of similar capacity and performance? Save yourself time and money by making an early appointment with C.H.SOANS & SON, a ee i V4 a: le pad N pris _ == rr EH Seo SCALE OF ...


... otato. U«ht trsd«.-Appl», Mtaatw*ar:s« Co . Lti,. Cod- HUi. Binniothm. GlliLd VNsowod o*a*i Powor Bnsoos lad Op Ltd.. 51 sod &2. Park St. Binpinghaa, _V» About IS wots sge. lor light ciesoing; Ayp’.y. Ix-nutl Ho*p.uJ. Great Charles at. Wanted light clean wareho-xo work; os. weekly.— _46.JHigh Park St.. Necb»«!Ls, •t age to 18.—235 L. Daily Mail. lor Copying Office; learn shorthand, * no ...