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... fituate on the River Soar, in the parilhes of Sutton Saint Ann's, otherwile Sutton Bonnington, in the coun'y of Nottingham, and Hatherne, in ihc countyof Leicefter, both or one of them 5 together with two MefTuage* or Tenements, Barns, Stables, Yard:, and Appur- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... niation of it. rinted 'copies of-the rentals may be had upon ap plying to -Charles'Selkrig,~'acouzitat, 'Edinburgh, or. Vans Hatherne, writer to the fignet,'to'either of whom application a.y be made for farther particulars. :. .FAR S IN -INROSS-SHiSE.H . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -were 20 Ewes, chotenl fruai the flock of 'lse late Mr. Hall, of Coitei; otfivs putcimfed- at the fale 'of Mr. Smitfih, 4 Hathern; Mr. Gilbert, of Cnates; aid. Mur Pearfe, uf Araampton; togeiher with 40 procured by the af}Nancc of Mr.Xagel;-tII@ only Rants ...

Advertisements & Notices

... were Twenty Ewes, chosen frorn the flock of the late Mr. IHALL, of Coates; others purchased4 at the sale of Mr. S ry TH,of Hathern; Mr.G1LBERT-, 0 of Coates; and Mr. PEARsE, of Brampton: together - with forty procured by the assistfnce ofMr.-PAGET; 1 -the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4 6e46s4 aICAA2D JELIs3EART, late of gessot'ts'9 n'i tll~fid couenty, (Seu- tleman,, deceatfed1 and SAMMr: t-AiWWELL, of Hathern afonrelitd; Frasmeftnit'li,, ie-sta Letter Patent, wts diffolved by the Zvt iifentothet'id Pastiesoiiie'te revententh Day ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Jollitrin, Arxitld 100 S6 16 Plain, Wirn Iirurtori, trariient-strcet, Noltiigihim, 76 21 14 1 and 1 Rib, Jdihun Bowle;-, Hathern 1'8 28 16 Broad Rib, Yrfeoph B3iriins, Eastwoiod 116 26 16 Broad Rih; JolepIh Webster. Eastwood 122 y8 16 Plainr, Eilward ...

Advertisements & Notices

... at tIie fame place and hour. For Beaumaltor, Woodhoule, Woodhoutie Eaves, Earlf, tiorpe, Barrow, Quornidon. loulittlorrel, Hathern, Long-Whlatton, Kegworth, Ofgathorpe, Worthiungton, Newbold, Breedtn, and Great ` igoiion, on Fridiy tke 17th of Ociober. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the fame place and hour. For Beaumiaangr, Woodhoule, Woodltoufe Eaves, Eanlf- I thirpes, Barrow, Quortidon, Motuntiorrel, Hathern, Liutg-Whstton, Kegworth, Ofgathorpe, Worthingtoil; r Newbrld, Breedon, attd Great Wigftion, oti Friday the 27ih of October ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Canal. Cotgrave - - - 4 2 Cropweill Couldon, Owthprpe, & Kinnwsaut 4 3 Hickling Wharf - - - 4 4 Long Cleworn and Hofe Harby, Hathern, Plunger, and Barftone. Redmile, Bottetford, & Alufton (below the Locks) Woolftiorpe, Cafirophe, & Harlaxton Bridge Granthat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Cotgrave - . 4 2 Cropwell, Coultion, Owthorpe, & Kinnoulton 4 3 Hickling Wharf - . 4 4 Long Clawfion and Hofe . _ 4 3 Harby, Hathern, Plungar, and Bnrkflone - 4 6 Bedmile, Bottesford, & Mluflon (below the Locks) 4 7 Woolfthorpe,-Cailrople, & Harlaxton Bridge ...

Advertisements & Notices

... uetfdty Nights ir atSandiacre; Wedttefdays at Noon at Negworth, hnd will go through Sullon Bomilttost; Wedjtefiday Nights at . Hathern, Thurfday aatNojto atC s;ilttkithtidg Ti; tr. day Nights at the New Inn, Alvafltun;, Fridays at Nbon o at the Wool Pack, Derby; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tuefday Nights I at.Sandiacre; Wednefdays at Noon at Kegwortlh, end t wIill go through Sutton Bonington; Wednefday Nights at f Hathern; Tburfdays at Noon at Caftle Donington ; Thurf I day Nights at the New Inn, Alvafton; Fridays at Neon I at the Wool Pack, ...