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i&cutjcnr BfjjrttK, ant Cotit

... . money also; bis brother kept the Piazza Cotfee-house, OX’allnghan .Lvlaretl knew nothtnc whatever ami both them became bankrupt; lias not lieen „f^ a j !,i Worship mij-ln have aiz mouths’ carread the pa|xir m the (.’offetshousc for some time. Mr. ra ...

Auctions. AUCTION SUGARS. JAS, N. ft J. MITII PH V, will Sell by AUCTIONon TIIUKHDAY next, the Instant, Hall and

... following day, Tuesday, the 11th March, at One o’Clock, will be Sold, before tiie Commissioners of Bankrupt, at the Messengers’ OlHce, a*, the Bankrupt's and Interest, in the following Premises, viz. No, I,—The valtiahlc and well known Bolting Flour Mills ...

'Zlje gcutijctn Bcpoitcr, anb doumL

... One o^Cli-tk, TJifyWAD SVGAHS. TERMS AT SALE. Lapp’s-1 slam), Feb, 13 BANKRUPT SALE. the Matter of ) 'I’'HE ASSIGNEES will Wm. Hkoan, .MercluintA Sell hv Public Auction, n Bankrupt. fat the Bankni|>l’s late resi' ¦¦ ¦ ¦ J ilence, Charlotte-Quay ...


... BANKRUPT SALE. In tlie Mutter ~) ASSIGNEES will Wm. Ukcan, Mfriaui, i Sell Public Aurtioiy » tbmknipt. the late rcsi- -- —C’liurlotte-Quay, «n WKDN'ESDAV, the Instant, liis FURNITURE, consisting Mahogany Chairs, 7 iag, hooking (7f asset, hight-Day a quantity ...


... BANKRUPT sale. the Matter of 'T'HE ASSIGNEES wiU Wm. Reoan, Merrhawt, i J, Sell by Public Auction, Bankrupt. . fat the Bankrupt's late re«- ' dunce, Ctarlotte-Qiiny. on WEDNESDAY, the 89« li Imunlf M his HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Chain, 7W/«, Bed/, Bedding ...


... BANKRUPT SALK. In the Matter of ViMIE ASSIGNEES will Merchant, Jl Sell bv Public Auction, Bitnkrupt. Cat sTruc rc?»i WEDNESDAY, the hit IIOVsEIIOLI) ITU HE, runfisUMfr ATfJ.ncnnjj Chairs, TMri, Beds, (tiling, Litoliafr (Itn.isrs, tin Clock, a yutudily ...


... And «m the luilowing day, Tuesday, the llth Marth, at One o’Clock, will Sold, before the Comtuiaaioners Bankrupt, at the (Xlire, all the bankrupt's Kslate and merest. In the Allowing viz. No. I.—The valuable and well known bolting Flour Mills, called ...

C!Tor. it CoTiiineittal Cotirkri

... And the following day, Tuesday, the 11th March, ai One o'clock, will Sold, before the Commissioners Bankrupt, at the Messengers* Office, all the Bankrupt’s Estate and Interest, the following Premises, viz. x . s ? I'J No. I.—'llu* valuuhlf ainl well known ...

7 -# ■ •• V /c />

... «/ mjoo, ,m JAMES ROCHE, ASS URhanKki;pts. AXCK Old for, SOM), THK COMMERCIAL-BUIL-UINGS. CORK ASSIGNEES of the Bankrupts! will J, Sell •'>’ Lclbre tin- major part of die the Oltice, the 2o«J ol* Amii. next, On® A.’Clotk • ...

the life ul* tin; s.utl

... tin? Assignees will Sell on the same Day and place and in manner aforesaid, all the Kstate and interest which the said Bankrupts bad under and virtue of said Mortgage and in the following Premises, viz. All that and tiiose the Lands of Kilgulben, and ...

ffiotlk tuition*-

... Mcsscngcr*K OUitv, HuiKlings, the 2nd! Day of April next, at One o'clock in the afternoon. All the Estate ami Interest which the Bankrupt* had under a certain MORTGAGE, and a-year, granted Thomas PuLf.tß Hart- NETT, late XieiiUiMnt in the Kerry of ...