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... received two hundred pounds for the whole. off . ct Q { tlie wovm d as anticipated, proved This proved his ruin; he became bankrupt, and mod broken hearted at New York, about six months ago. had eight children left destitute ; lour of them her uncle took ...


... before that day. kjd February, 1823. In the Ma'ter of MHE Sale the BankfljcHAßo Darlkt, (, A rupl’s Interest in one umli• Bankrupt. rided Fourth-part the BIIKW- JEKYof CA^IBRICKVILLE, and other Premises, situate near the Tqwn of Dundalk ; and in One-f ...

Cije BtoglieDa journal; Or, Meath and Louth Advertiser* Q?- ft,

... mrrcsr will be p»id that day. a3d VOmmj, IBii3. the Matter of HpHE Sale of the BankrUTHAßn Dabiit, C rupt’s Interest one undi• Bankrupt Tided Fourlh-pert of the BRKVV- of CAM»RICKVILLE. ’iTnlher Premises, situate neer the Town/of Dundalk ; and Tone- fourth ...

/ &

... hues. . rogbeda, 14th Feb». _ (From the Cork Advertiser of Tuesday) LD. WIiirEPOMSM. CAR. In the Matter of Richard Darlit, a Bankrupt. INSIDE JUANTIN npHE Sale of the Bank- X. nipt’s Interest in one imdi- ; Fourth-pari of the BRF'V“7 3 F.UY ofiCAMBIUCKVILLE ...


... James * thorn The p isoners left the house together, when they examioad additions forwarded soon as ready. Assignee of said Bankrupt’s Estate; or ; ilo ved t ill she saw them into an V , same night returned verr, , N Licutcnant-Genen! and General S \*’ and ...


... Justice Jcbb. The facts of the case were these. The house of Boyd and Kerr, late of Newly, merchants, but since become Bankrupts, were in the habit of drawing on the Defendant for their accommodation, and providing for such acceptances of Defendant a* ...

COCNTY O MEATH. HAY TO >SOLD. Few Tons of well b“ing the aecond ■Las Crop, will be disposed ofmy the

... Drogheda, May; 1823; notice. JOHN PAGE, BANKRUPT. Dividend not having yet under the vLtninionof BanSruptcy. «/*'» *ltbough funds, it i* understood, Mare been for some years esW hand, the AssignAf the Bankrupt think right request « general Cfdtwrse Creditor* ...


... past in the hands of the several of the principal the Duties of their Office, &.C.’ it is amongst other Creditors of the Bankrupt ihiijfit right to request general things enacted, That, whenever under the provisions of Meeting of al! the Creditors in ...


... Mercury. From a Parliarhentary return respecting Brnktupts, it appears, tint on an average three years, the debts English Bankrupts amounted to the turn 8,456,3821. yrar. The dividends fell short of 4,5001. little more than half Cro«n the hundred pounds ...


... Drawback of Is. per bushel on Malt, allowed to Scotch Distilleries. bankrupts’ t-AWS. .Mr. W, Courtenay gave notice that would tomorrow introduce a Bill Consolidate and Amend the Bankrupt Laws. FOREIGN trade. Mr. Waelace brought the Report the Select Committee ...


... insolvent debtors’ act, 10.5 ; (there were two for its continuance and the extension of its provision to uncettificatcd bankrupts) against the maniage act (passed the session before), ; againststlic Roman Catholic claims, 108 ; in favour of the Roman ...

\ 'V oulto sppMtend ths sggrtssors. But ihfir authority was rrt'mrd audit became necessary to send out detach ..

... speed. Thd noble Eoglith'belie, *.ie aid her livery, easily eluded the vigilance of the police of Calais, and the illustrious bankrupt arrived in London without experiencing any impediment. Presuming upon the impuni-y which the British law* affbtd to him, ...