... courle of law, be judged guilty of felony, and may be tranfported for any term of years not exceeding feven years ; and every perfon who fhall take anv fuch oath or engagement, not being conm- peiled thereto, (hall, on ?? thereof by due coarfe of law, be judged ...

Law Intelligence

... Mr Jullice Buller .dzeEted the jury to find a fpecial verdik, in w, ;.er that the Judges rmight hereafter decide %poin the law concerning it.-Thie Jury re- Coined accordingly. I-NTELLIGENCE froz FRANCE. 'Paris papers are received to the 23d in. hey contain ...


... have it irterred that Dcfendant was a cuckold.-Ver- notii dikt fir Ilaintid; with.os. damilages. Pari lar Is itONDAY, DEFc. 2. corn IWILt NSONX, V. LIN3DSAY AND JONAS. you Mr. Garrow faid, that this was an aflion againr they the Defendants for having cheated ...


... fentence of death on the prifoner, onie of the Barriftrer, not crtained on th- teial, happepitag to uirn over thefargid core, l'a'w it fign' d Bai'w. lleiwne ; and throwing his eye isnmediately on the h~iedliv~etsr perceived it written therein Baiibelomsaeew ...


... confequence of infoirmation thee had; received from Cal Filby, and after remonaining in the lhop, about a quar- tei of an hour, the Law thle prifuner pafs by on the prt other tide of the ?? ,hear hsutband ; witnifs went WI acrofs tobher, and laid, P-ray, madam ...


... foldiers,fo the pdurpfe: ti of efcortinrigtvodefeiters towards Chdfer. Hehad rr orders to deliver ?? to ;the firf tcop or corn- Ai .pany he &ionld meet, defdined for that :place. When 0c .ie arrived-at.Coventry, ?? the I3th. regiment, delivered up his ...

1 '■ :\./:- * !

... the Orio. General Lannes ?? himfelf yefterday of Chivaflb. He found on the Po a great number of veflels laden w ith rice and corn. » The Firft Cor.ful reviewed the van guard at Chivaffo. He exprefl'ed his fatisfaflion on the review of this brave divi- Cou ...


... . By law His. H y Majefty 's Thips are allowed to ?? merchant thips to N the extent of carrying certain kinds of commod ties, of viz. jewels, or gold and filver. -,Freight is paid to the- of Captain of the veffiel which carries them. The Corn- Cl ?? ...

MiribTuT , 3t[ne 26

... guilt wvas Gincerely penitent, and hoped by his cortri- tion and future good conducft to niake an atonement to the injured laws of his country, C for the crime he had committed. He was tl the firlt perfon tried for fedition, that he had acknowledged his ...


... ihe perfilted in refutifig to anfwer 'ott the queftion, but acknowledged it is a daily produice, at the wo Corn Exchange to re-fell the corn at advanced prices. es Lord K'enyon faid, that a ?? friught with more im- ied portant confequences, never come ...


... quarters of thefe oats had been fold& to MAleis Reft and Co and had been placed tothc account of Smith, 4ubry, ?nd CO. Mr. Law, for thle 4efedant contended. that the Ws were not refold by Mr. Rulby, tlyhis piatner, Mr. Smith. He pofrtively fo. ridthsn ...


... at law fubmitted that the plaintiff was an alien at the- time of the Ceneral's death, and confequently incapable of Succeeding to his property. To this objec- tion the Chancellor would not allow the leakt weight, and,. if it had, the heir at law would ...