Advertisements & Notices

... ''o-morrow, Friday and Saturday, as ..lfo the last New Dance, New Naval Piece, Ai.ONZO and Icron;er and the favourite new Harlequinade.-Soxcs 4S. Pit at. Gallc17 is. READINGS, LISLE-STREET, Leicelter-ficlds. 'HIS LEvening will be read, the favourite Comedy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Airs en the Grand Piano Forte in a molt .r rfic mannler, and co*~clude her Perfornmance with a FLA G ?? ~p5pE The New Harlequinade owf MOTHER SHIP_ ?? GHOS'I', wvhich receives picreafed applaufe every night, rv.'11 be repeated till further nottce. -;3W ...

Advertisements & Notices

... clbaradler, (written by C. Dibdin, Fr') Ds, the New Davce called Edge Tools; the favou- S ,y 'loIe Great De5Pil; and the Harlequinade of rtl arr ipedl5 f Ght. The Panoramic Vieiv of the New esl(n Aidge ill alfo he exhibited; and, during the in- ol the Pieces ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Serio Comnic Paoto- mimne will be put in rtlearal in a few tl-ys, called PHILIP qUARLE; or The Englith Hermit; and a new Harlequinade is in prcparation. THEA1RJI ROYAL, HAYMARKET. ON FRIDAY EVENING NEXT, at 7 o'clock, for moft probably the time, Mr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the IKing's Theatre, Hay- market,) and Madame VOLANGo, from the Opera, Berlin.- ?? after which, alfo, (9th time,) a new Harlequinade, with moft extenfive -feenery, and machinery, uncommon mecha. 3iical changes, mnigicaltricks, &tC. called SILVER STAR, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Signor Belzoni; an~d Lady, Mad. St. Amand. ic, tr which, the performaucrs of the wonderful PATAGO. -NJ 1_ S AMPSON ; and the Harlequinade -of FIWE and. 8PI- RI '.-Bioyes 4s.; Pit as.; Gallery is.; with Wine only is. per ?? Mondav, May ia6, a new Burletta Spedtacle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and CROSqiIAN, with their 1'roop of Equcltrian's, will go through various ?? of ?? whole to conclude witi, 33d time,a new Harlequinade, vith extenlive hcencry and Machinery, uncommon Changes, Magical1 ricks, &c. called, SILVER STAR; or, 'Jhe MIsReoR off'Wsrcu- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... confequence of repeated inquiries for its revival) the Entertainments will conclude (for one week only) with the favourite Harlequinade, by Mr. C. Dibdin, jun. called F IRE and SPIRIT; the Mufic compofed by Mr.-Reeve--mlte Scenery of the various Pieces by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... being the laft week but ?? of their engagement.. The whole to conclude with, for the laft week, the grand and popular Harlequinade, called SILVER STAR. - A rekv Comic Pantomime, with extenfive feenery and un- toruraon mechanical changes, written and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... writ- ten by ahimfeif, called SHOE STRIN7GS, or the Los AL ls RA C L- x. And the Entertaintlt' will conclude with ?? new Harlequinade called GOODY TWO SHOES. ' Mr. Townfenld having recovered from bis hoarfenef' will ;e9appear this ?? ROYAL AMPHITHEATRE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... unequal'ed ROPE Du NCSN, be;;G 's a1uredly tne lall week but two of his appearance in London.- e, To-conclude with the popular harlequinade of SILVER STAR. On Monday next,;i change of Entertainments, vill takeplace. ' The Public are refpedtfully inforrnkd that ...

Advertisements & Notices

... sariiiO1 ~w~nw Crr, by Mr. Ricenec. AIRo, forthre laft ccZfAO; or, The Rival Mexicans. And, for ~jinihthutore.tie popular Harlequinade of The MIR- FT.cCA~~ With thle French Spedarle of ydi I~I LSliISSRfonecorrow, Saturday, the above crwilhperfornmed for ...