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Saturday's and Sunday's POSTS

... Abortion of fix Months. Gaz. Yefterday Morning one of the Workmen at Houfe building by Biack-P'riars-Bridge, fell from the Scaffolding, and was taken fpeech'efs : He was carried to St. Bartholomew's Hospital, and died immediately. extraordinary Robbery has ...

Published: Monday 04 June 1770
Newspaper: Northampton Mercury
County: Northamptonshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1951 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

Tuesday's and Wednesday's POSTS

... Arrival in France this Princefs, who is extremely charitable, has distributed among diftreffed Persons 2500 Louis cPOrs. The Scaffolding, which had been erected on the Saone, for the People to fee the Countefs of Provence, at the Time of her paffing by Lyons ...

Published: Monday 03 June 1771
Newspaper: Northampton Mercury
County: Northamptonshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2824 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

Thursday's and Friday's POSTS

... Night, with fo much Vigour, that the Confederates were forced to retreat with the Lofs of 200 Men killed and wounded. The Ruffians had but two Men killed, and one Officer, and Soldiers wounded. J. 'ITALY. Baflia, July 14. The Brothers Grantyoni, who had ...

Published: Monday 12 August 1771
Newspaper: Northampton Mercury
County: Northamptonshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1854 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

Thursday's and Friday's POSTS

... the Fate of Traitors pad Ages: will inform you, n your Confufion, how eafy the Step is from the Throne of Ireland to the Scaffold of England.---Shame ! lharae ! quit your Caftle, and retire. Lon. We hear that the Viceitiy of a neighbouring Kingdom has ...

Published: Monday 13 January 1772
Newspaper: Northampton Mercury
County: Northamptonshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2709 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

Friday's and Wednesday's POSTS

... to retire with the following Lot's, viz. 6ad Regiment, killed one Captain, two Lieutenants, two Enligns, and Rank -d File: wounded two Captains, one Lieutenant, and Rank and File.—Highlanders, killed two Captains, three Lieutenants, one Enfign, and Rank ...

Published: Monday 06 April 1772
Newspaper: Northampton Mercury
County: Northamptonshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2554 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

Thursday's and Friday's POSTS

... Slaves on hoard and were fleering for the Brails, but about Pays before we took them up, the Negroes had. rofe upon them, killed the Captain, his Mate, the Gunner, and twenty-four Men, and the red Number eighteen had with much Difficulty made their Eicape ...

Published: Monday 24 August 1772
Newspaper: Northampton Mercury
County: Northamptonshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2533 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

LONDON, December 27

... his King, andjuftice; after which had his right Hand fevered at the from his Body he was next conducted to the Foot of the Scaffold, where he beheld his Accomplice on the Wheel. Having afcer.ded it, he was likewile put on the Rack with his pace upwards ...

Published: Monday 02 January 1775
Newspaper: Northampton Mercury
County: Northamptonshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2835 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

LONDON, June 20

... Couple of Welch Carpenters , formed a Scheme to get Money the curious Public; a very co.l- Expence. Theylaft Week erected Scaffold (•capable ot holding near 200 Perlons) on rhe Bank the River, a little below Ranelagb, wh-ch they intended to ktt at only ...

Published: Monday 26 June 1775
Newspaper: Northampton Mercury
County: Northamptonshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2163 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

Tuesday & Wednesday's Posts

... Miles and an Half of Ground. Great Numbers of Booths were put up for the Sale of Liquors and other Refrefbments, and many Scaffolds erected for the Spectators. A Bridge of Boats was laid over the Piece of Water fronting Sir Gregory Page's, which was to ...

Published: Monday 17 July 1775
Newspaper: Northampton Mercury
County: Northamptonshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2239 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

Saturday and Sunday's Posts

... to neheve, a,.d CrimM ™ gently killed the with h.s and Crucihx, which held - five Minute? alter, e _ ta !ed Minds Tightened beneath the*j£g^££fterc tf ]fi As toon « 1( „» the Body S Executione.-, Body fttrfU the Scaffold, lior « . SSI J*** Faggots and ...

Published: Monday 09 October 1775
Newspaper: Northampton Mercury
County: Northamptonshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 800 | Page: 3 | Tags: none


... 9 Inches high, and appeared be about 4.4 Years Age. Juft before the Malefactors were executed, Scaffolding broke down, by which Accident four Men were killed, and fcvcral much bruited. Several other Accidents happened indifferent Places. A young Woman ...

Published: Monday 15 January 1776
Newspaper: Northampton Mercury
County: Northamptonshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 4127 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

Thursday and Friday's Posts

... arrived *C**' * here from Naples, and Yelterday had the Honour of being prefented to Royal Highnefs the Duke of Gloucefter, and killing his Highnels's Hand. Dec. ai. The above Gentlemen were prefented to her Royal Highnefs the Duchefs of Gloucefter, and had ...

Published: Monday 29 January 1776
Newspaper: Northampton Mercury
County: Northamptonshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2691 | Page: 2 | Tags: none