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Advertisements & Notices

... Keith. 'fhis houfc was, built wilhlin theie few years, is m> fulbflantially and nearly finifned, and confifts of taandfome parlour, bed..oom, clofe:, and kitchen on :he ground floor, an elegant drawing room, bed- nra, and bed clofet, on the fecond floor ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UPPERKIRK- th 1 OATE, which belonged to the deceafed Mr cx Iofeph Simpl'on. Thc principal houfe collfifts of a kit- vy -hen, parlour, and two bed rooms, on the ground Je -onor; dining room, drawing room, large bed room, in nd light clofet, on the firil floor; ...

t.'7'IL;,IJAM i.s '

... dining rooma, 'Z feet, incites, by t7 feet; a drawitil room J3 feet 4 6ils by i7 fee 6 inches, with a recelts for a Suldha; a parlour, four a excell,:nt bed roorns ;,a bed ciofct, a kitd;eii, a fer- vants and honife-keeper's rouns ; four cellars aiid pan- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e50 are inois. The mulls rmlay be vearly turned to good account, in burn- ing linveton or being fold-there is cooilant dIc- maid for it from the neighhoourlmod. The w.hole property aboarids with liolieflone, reckuned the be& in Buchan. There are two quarrics ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The houoe cosfilts of the foitowing apart- 0 nments, viz. oo the ground floor, a large Jhop and cel- n lar off the fame; a parlour, bed room, and kitchei on ft the fecond floor; an elegant diling room, 3 bed Y rooms, and a large clofet, with a fect of excellent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... nctlar. They will be icr for 3 years.- is. Eti-1try at Whitfsjtsdav next. W1 at~etd, a! iNext 7>erin Upon AN ex.perienced COOK MAID,' for a Gentle- Aiman's Familv, who refitdn itt use country, but Cci occafisnaily in tosvna. Enquire at the Pisbhlhser. boo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OFFICES aind GAR- I DENS of WrOODHILL. The marfiofl-houfu e confitls of two excellent public roonts, fix bed rooms. a parlour or library, and a kitcheln. There is alfo a fufficierlt accommodation flir fervants, and excellent h cellars adjoining to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1ount, :o Let.I I iHAT HOUSE anlr GARDEN lately occupied | by Adjutant Roy, cossliging of a drding. riosin, drawing-room, and parlour. four bcd romins, nurfe- I p ry-roosI, kitcheti, antd offices. with cvery other ac- d cominodation for a genteel family. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OFFItES atid GAR- c T DENS of WOODHILI . The manfion houfe e confifis of two excellent public roonms, fix bed roorms, a parlour or library, and a kitchen. There is alfi` fufflcient accomemodation for fervants, and excellenta cellars adjoiiting to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... in tl~ neiaarbarboad of Aberdean, on a Leaje of 36 rears a/f i. sfartiernar lf. | For further particulars appicartior way t maide to JAkcxander Wetjqer, advocate in .4erdcen. HOUSE AND GARDEN OF CULTER. To be for a few years, or for a year, -'EIE HOUSE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WILL. GORDON, Depy. Clk. of Supply. *StoraJ-s3 2 e. 9 Maid 1$07. F O R S A L E. eHAT HOUSE and GARDEN at Br'adford, belong- oing to U'illiamN Matthews, fronting the great North Road-consistsng ofa Parlour, Kitchen, and Cellar, on the G';round Floor-a Dining-rooun ...

Advertisements & Notices

... side of LrTTLEsOUN ST11eT, .which belong- ed to the late JOHN DYCE: of Tillygreig, and now to his The House consists of a Parlour, Kitchen,and 1 Closet on the ground floor; Ditting-roosa, Drawing-oom, and .2 Bed-closets on the 2d floor ivith Garrets and ...