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11111 Mr * ' t . 41

... been &tatted of. -Polling twice, 'tis expeeed will be chattived .as the City Bill direes, which Bill confide. rate of both Parties acknowledge to be contrived with great Wifdom and jaftice. We bear that Horace Walpole, FA is arrived here from Paris on his ...

11. T I PPI WPI W 11011 1 11111ar 1 21011111117 From the Vfrbiteball *ening Polk' Feb. They write ,

... and 4030 Horfe : His Moft Chriltian Majeffv 8000 4 006 Honk; and His Pruifian Majefty 3000 Foot, and 2000 Hoyle. But if the Party attacked, had rather be fupplied with Men of War and Tranfports, or Money (which (hall always he left to his Choice) then the ...

[Numb. into a Committee upon the Mutiny to punith Defirtets, anJ went through the fame. The Lords and Comn.b:.s ..

... or the L.A.i Littncello'', the Houle reconciled the mo at the Bar; and yeflctday they heard anothet Appeal, and advikd the Parties to try an Itrue at Law. From the London Journal, Feb. ti. By fame Accounts from Paris, we hear, that the Pretender had ac ...

From the Daily Journal, Feb. /4

... Brother, Pope Bened:ft XIII. fendeth you Greeting and Apaftolical Benediaton. WITH how n.uch mor Obfiinacy the Rebel Lout Party court their own Ruin, and that of others, the more hoofs you give tas and the whole Church of that Panora' Vigilance ...

ngrietiPMSl : • • b, 9 • W the a lielgradtk br i llderig th bees difpatcbed isker biy the

... through Soho- Sgaare,was in fated by a Company of rudeßoys, wbo notwitbftanding the Adamaitions begave them to defift,. AID partied him in a very rt. (nous manner: Wberespoo at len thi be drew his Sword, and run one of them a Lahourees Son). tbro' the Body ...

From the Daily Poll, Mach 30

... all cleanly dreffed, and each a white pair of Gloves on: and conteyed in that manner from Newgate to Kingeon, under a Aron' Party of the Rode Grenadier Guards, the Drums beating a march. The Cavalcade was made up Holborn, tbronoh Monmoutb.ftreet and Piccadilly ...

Estraeidltift7 Care has been all along lye Keeper. being placed H E Commons `fetter- upon then in the nOoard of

... Once from Italy. i iii tity of Arms wore found its a Ho ar e: w ere. Hague, April si. Some Advices from Rafore Yefterday - a Party of the Horfe Grenadier tisboa fay, that the Emperor bas fent Guards mareb'd thither, to priferve the Poo, to his Commiffary ...

. • , Front the St. jaafes's Pot April Ultra& of a Letter from Clefter, date 4 April a. Yefterday,

... robbing on tbe Highway: They were guarded from the Jail to the Place of Execution by the Sberirs Officers, as and .withal, by a Party of about thirty Foot Sol. diers, who were potted by the Sbetifi's Order, which they were to obey, ronnd the Gallows with their ...

of the contraaing Parties in the Treaty of novel-. An Buglab Man of War commanded by Capt. Worth, is failed

... of the contraaing Parties in the Treaty of novel-. An Buglab Man of War commanded by Capt. Worth, is failed for Port•Mabon, lug Ordets to win the fluglifb Squadton which is to come into the Mediterranean. &Ilia, April 13 • information being given of the ...

• So e;es . 7 - S'effigingsl -- tVt!rieSet9s -- 15e585e58 , /tow to be Lett at Deale, TH E

... is fulbeatd, that he held a Correfpondence with the Pre. tender, having been much carefs'd in his Lifetime by all of that Party; and &ice his Death It has been dircover'd that be held a particular latimacy with the D.. . of W , from whom Come Letters ...