... great bulk of ftraw, the famples are generally coarfe. Oats alfo prove a greatlaverage ?? turn out 'the only defcaive crop. Potatoes are in great demand, and raifed full twenty per cent.- Winter tares, and rye, were never- fo gene- rally fowo, or thiq invaluable ...


... notes -to the fame amourt, Mr. Es' e, aid, the pJaintiff, who fued as. executor, found aiong- the papors- of hiss teafftor, a potatoe merchant. A.,- d g RS becamne-him for the good of tfie edate, he im- rnediattey prefented them for payrnent 'Ihe defend- ant ...

Ediburgh, March 5

... o ai r;.-T. 'vsr, oats from old lee--. Pa'-.55X -4. iV4 Cse OSr ti1rslp-,- ba1r-Iy- i 6. clove aid rl ,g is -- -. oats-S. potatoes, or f l as or tinri-p-i- 'ilx or barle-s--To clovCr.- This, wvhere you have dUlng at ncomnmand, to be given to Lic avhcat ...


... tlhat ihe had been fent to buy'a quantity of potatoes, and ave that ihe had given the (hili ng with which (he -was to )me pay for then) to the-Defendant, but that he ,wovid nei- ient ther give her the potatoes nor return her the flhilling. 'lhe Plainti ...


... with grafs or0 other vegetable fub lanc es in ufe, bht which do notfoi imniediately oitribute to thefood of man as corn and potatoes do,;' and , if aninials fuffi- ciently fat for every ufeful purpofe can be piroduced in ten Months without thefej why fbould ...


... Third ~8s ol ?? od I egsa od I o s~s a 5s o5 Wheat about 6d. and Oats Is. dearer. Bariey, Peafe, and B-ans nearly as laft. Potatoe Oats, 2ss. to 245. HIGH sATER AT LEIT H. Merot. Bvele. H. M. if. M. Stisadv July I5. E S 57 39 Monday r 16. - 9 2-C14 Fv Edikrgh ...


... the 5th of January ltal, ws -A 3,3 16,640l. . c In the courfe of laft *eek, forne evil-difpofed perfoons pulled bp all the potatoes and garden crops, and maimed a calf, belonging to WIL- S LIAM ANDERSON, tenant at Bridge of Leppie, near Laurencelkirk. The- ...


... Squze diftria, in twenty Ihillings each, for demanding and extorting double fare for carrying to a cellar a cart load of potatoer. upon the pretence that they had bargained witi the fervant for that fum before they would agree to carry them. Thus adding ...


... cha rater of Murrotzb D'Ilanry, was turning the potatovs out of his portmanteau, a wag in the gallcry threw a large ronsted potatoe, wrapped in paper, on the stage, which Mr. R. took up and de- voured, the no ainall amiusemrent and astonishment of the audience ...


... GUIlA)HALI.. . 'OOttW -I 'iS..Xtv it las M'Nislh, Wigab, Lancaster, tinibermerchiant .- 3 1i e- Rob. Davies, Enheld Wash, potatoe merchant : 3 fo a Jno. Bunduch' Great'East Cheap, corn dealer ' 3 II in Luke Guerrier, Stcpney,' cosvkeqper - 3 IO e Christ ...


... prices 28s. to 253. Oats brought nearly laft week's pri- ees about the firib of the market, but prices afterwarde declined. Potatoe Oats 20s. to 23s. current prices of Common Oats 18s. to 19s. Peafe and Beans 21 s. 544 Bolls of wheat in the Market ...


... in the,:rolbooth, four e fones of good beef, a barrel of bell drong ale, e feven quartern loaves, one and-a half pecks of potatoes, and halfa Deck of falt, which the pri- loners acknowledge, and hope that others who have it in their power will imitate ...