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_ T f, sy *HS* ROUNTON GRANGE. \M , jDD is favoured with Instructions from Miss JLJA /idler, to offer

... Forwarded free of all charges. Address Robert Coces and Co., New Burlington-street, W., Music Publishers to their Majesties Queen Victoria and the Emperor Napoleon 111. MAGIC LANTEBNS and DISSOLVING VIEWS Lent out, and sent into any part of the Country, with ...

TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by Mr. R. MILLS, on SATURDAY, November 9th, 1861, in the Corn Mareet, York, at

... Solicitor, November 6th, 1861. Bridlington. WILLIAM ROBINSON, DECEASED. PURSUANT to the Act of Parliament of the 22nd and 23rd Victoria, cap. 35, intituled An Act to further amend the Law of Property and to relieve Trustees, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that all ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Relnbardt), 22, Market place; Walker, Lowgute; Pickering, Lowgate -P Mrs Noble, Market place; J B Foster,11-, Queen street Chaprnan, .69, Queen street; Hlart, 50, Blanket'row. d, Dyson, 20, Mytongate; Turner, Perfumer, Whitefriar. get,~; Freeman, 44. Savile ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Reinhardt), 2a, 15 Market place; Walker, Lowrgate; Pickering, Low gate; r Mrs Noble, Market place; J F Foster, 11, Queen street; - Chapman, 69, Queen street; Hart, 50, Blanket row; G Dyson. 20, Mytonigate; Turner, perfumer, Whitefriar- gate; Freemnan, 44, Saville ...

TO-MOBBOW. NETHER CHAPEL. TO-MOBBOW, BUNDAY, August 23rd, IMS, the Bey JOBN STOKES, ef Worksop, will Preach in ..

... ROOM PA Pr RS. Sale at Six each Evening. Sale bg Jfcr. &obt Cijattam. VICTORIA TERRACE, MASBRO'. MR. R CBATTAM begs to announce that he is instructed by the Misses Hill, of Victoria terrace, Mss bro', to crier for SALE by AUCTION, on Thoksday, Aug. 27 ...

THt *TANNINGION CHURCH BAZAAR] wiil be held next THURSDAY, at the Parsonage. Tea at Four p.m. After which a Popular

... the Last Appearance of the Company, THE CONTESTED ELECTION, as Played by Command before ?? Her MO.l Gracious Majesty THE QUEEN, the Royal Family, and the Court, at Windsor Castle, ou Jan. Slat, by the above Comediai.B, and A KISS IN THE DARK. Mage Manager ...

lu-auaauw. SHEFFIELD GENERAL INFIRMARY. .^ The Governors, Subscribers, and Benefactors of this Charity „ vary ? ..

... LAND to to Lef on Building terms.— Apply to Messrs. WILSON, YOUNGR and CO , Solicitors, Sheffield. ELECTBO- PLATE WORKS, VICTORIA BTREET, SHEFFIELD. BANKRUPTS EFFECTS.— TO SILVER PLATERB, TOOL DEALERS, MERCHANTS and OTHKRB Sale of* the whole of the S ...

MO li N T ZIO IS CHAPEL. The _KNIT__B_BY BFKMONS of this Place of ?? will be* Preeehed on SUNDAY,

... S~^ ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHUKCH, HANOVER STREET, SHEFFIELD. The Rev. BKNRY COOEE, D.D., LL.D., Trofessor of Theology in the Queen's College, Belfast, Ireland, will ?? Preach on the 13tb September in the above Place of Worship — in the Morn- ing at Hal! ...

%XAN L h V hTitJ£ £ T CHAP E L ANNIVF -«ARY. OnHJND AY, October 11th, 18f3 Miss BUCK, cf

... to beLe'..— to Mr. Lakoton, Westfield terrace. TO be Let, ibe HOUSE, No. 5, Queen street, lately occ tpied by the lata Mr. Fenton, Solicitor. — Inquiie at 56, Queen street. TO be Let. well-lighted ROOMS, wilh Steam Power, suitable for Metal Spinners ...

?? THIS E VEN ING. rrffFN STREET CHAPEL.— 0 l WfSDAT, at Seven, the Rev. ENOCH MELLOR, 00 IHni sooeeesor

... Bant tt*.— Apply to Mr. John Bxckxtt, Id, Norfolk raw. TO be Let, the HOUSE, No. 54, Queen street, lately occupied by ths late Mr. Fenton. Solicitor .—inquire at 58, Queen street. ROOMS to be Let, with STEAM POWER, at J. B. Jxpsox's, Corporation street, ...


... 69, Fleet-.treet, London The Queen's Household.— lf in any family in thn kingdom pure bread would be expected to be found, it ism tt j _ _T MoBt Majesty Queen Victor-. Undoubtedly this is the case, for we find' the Queen* private baker pronouncing Borwick's ...


... FUNDING SOCIETY will be com- ■ Mired, named the SIXTEENTH VICTORIA CLUB. Contri- bun ir:e. 6s. per Share, every four Weeks. Applications for Shares to U made to il r. Heney Hutchinson. Queen Victoria Hotel, Rkl street, and George m«.-t, Sheffield, where any ...