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j- -- .111...1r 1.. • - Madrid, May t 3. N. S. Yefietday his Ca.: tholick Ma)efty dimilTed the Duke

... j- -- .1111r 1.. • - Madrid, May t 3. N. S. Yefietday his Ca.: tholick Ma)efty dimilTed the Duke of Ripper& from the Superintendency of the Finances, and put into his Room Don Francifco Ariaz.i who formerly held that Employment. Letters from Cadiz ...

- ) From the Daily Poft, May 3 0 . Acquaintance this Way. was taken up out of the Letters

... Extra of 3 Letter fioin London, May Jo. I There is Advice from Spain, that the Duke New Hops 3110 61 Hops 172 4 , 31. to de 'Ripper& was confin'd• in the Cattle of Sc. 71. /0 S. Hops 1719 to 1723, roc. En 31 ig i• ! f . govia. per Hundted. On Friday the ...

•••••••• I • s From the London Gazette; July A Getman Gentleman; who was Steward to Whitehall, July si. Letters

... admitted, (a Thing very uncom. fay, that his Catholick Majefty allows the Duke anon) 'tit computed he gets 301. per Week. de Ripper& too Piftoles per Month. The On Wednefday Night left, i 4 Officers of the fame Letters add, that nothing criminal has been ...


... the King his Mailer's Orders upon what one Mr. Bernird, a Gentleman of this City, was had patied on Occafion of the Duke of Ripper: attick'd bx tAlo Foot Robbers near the meufe des taking Refuge in his Houle, prefeuted on Cite, at Charing Ctofs one of them ...

Iron Pot

... which lafted three Days, he had not cleared, and left fifty Hogiheads of Sugar behind him.: Venice, September 2. The Duke de Ripper; da has fent Orders to his Correipondests, to draw out Part of the Sums he has in the Bank of this City. An Epidemical Diftemper ...

The Kentifh Poll or the Canterbury News-Letter

... And this Day or To morrow another will be lent to Count Coningieck at the Court ofSpain. It is reported, that the Duke de Ripper& has found Means to reconcile himfelf and Family to their Catholick Majefties ; and that he will fpeedily return to Madrid ...

for Felony and two fcr Perjury were preferred, and round B, three Nhthudiits, being their Witneties. One Bionk, ..

... thick and thou, tofembling that of a Bull, toe Head (mall in Proportion to the Bfiey, ard very like an Alligator ; in the ripper Jaw were two Teeth of about nine lachcs long, and crooked downward, ; thc Legs very 'tort and thick enng with Fins and Claws ...


... ot the Creditors, they are defiled to (peak in Time, and not to give Trouble for the Time to come. STRAY'D or Stolen from Rippers Crofs at Hothfield, Five Ewe Sheep, four of them with Horns, and one with a grey Face ; the other without Horns, an Undertake ...

To be LETT at Lady-Day, or at Mietaeltnas text, Ae ilandfom Safhed Houfe at Harbledlern, pte‘fantly fi:uated ir ..

... together or in Parcels. For fin ther Particulars inquire of Mr. Eafickurch at Maidnone. Eat,aa e a Letter front oft Board the Rippers Mato War, dated at Guadolowp, dated jam. 27. Tho' a great Part of this Town is deltroy'd, end defined, I look upon it as ...

, . . A few Days two Shoe Mien, at Walden Efreit, „ w e committed to Chelmsford Cival, charged

... charged by a Gentleman wil2 him ot so I. on the Higbee,. I of a Sao tf Mifortaits ia the of Waterford. Cork, Limerick, asid ripper ary, Bougheleen hairpins, (1 r. White Boys) leo of Sive Oulraugh. (I. e. Ural% Ulna) is we* of ratio , Lours sa koala if a ...