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..iamaia;* ,adths,v

... this Year. • .•• This being the Anniverfiry of the late fang William's Landing to relate us from the Evils of Popery and Slavery, and. that ot our Deliverance from the horrid Gunpowder Plot, there were Sermons in all the Churches of this City, and rejoicings ...

From WEDNE.SDAY January 21 2 tO SATURDAY Jahuary 24, 1729-30. [Numb. 1 i From the Sr. James's Even. Poi, Jan

... the Battle ; by which meacts feven Soldiers that werc a little fin warder than thc reit, were furrounded and carry'd into Slavery by the Turks that were on Shore. From the Whitehall Even. Pcft, Jan. ii. LAI Week a of Indiament was found by the Grand Jury ...

From the Whitehall Even. Poit, July 27. Dover, July 24. The Perfon whom we lately fuppofed to be the Prince

... preme jurifdietion in the King's Territories, 6 in order to take the firft Opportunig that Offers to lay the Ground-work of Slavery, in which Rome would ihackle all the Powers of g Europe.' From the London Evening-Po(, 27. We hear the Rev. Mr. Bowman's Sermon ...

... always,with a great Skin. JOrephGreenland Malfter, without Riding-gate Canterbury, Maketh and Selkth good Brown Malt, slavery fine Pale Malt, in the fame manner as it Efertfordfhire, which he Sclleth at Reaibnabje Rates, He alio Sells Hops by Retail ...

From the London Written Letter March 30. S to Foreign News we have yet very little, rho' a French Mail

... Mail we arc told, that Come Corfairs of Algicr have made a Defccut in Corfica, and carry'd off a whole Convent of Monks into Slavery. _. The King of Spain's detaining fo long of late the Treafurc brought from New Spain has had a fad Effea upon Trade, the ...


... it that he order'd tome Spaniih Slain, who' weft allually redeemed, to be dttaitied and redue.d to their former State of slavery. He hai moteover given Orders for &fumbling a cOnfiderab)C Army, to go upon Come Enterprize of brimranee ; and it is faid ...

'AT Oaober- 13, tO W EDNESD AY Oaober i 7, 1733:

... as chefs ache Rings. The Courage Rights eta Naiic n that the Name of ProteCtor is acciuired s of the ?colanders fet them Slavery into which but in defending it againfi luck as would owes it. Of the Court of Vienna would have precipitated them; but this ...

• r Prom the Daily Adrertikr, Sept. t. Our Letters from Petersburg make the Value Of the Plunder which the

... admit her Czarian Majefiy's Troops to garrifon the Pci,lts, and fet at Liberty fuch cf the .Murcovites as the Tartars held in Slavery. Yefiei day came Advice to the Lords Cominiffiouers of the Admiralty, of the Arrival at Spithcad of the Argyll, Capt. Slater ...

• , . . From the London Gazette, oa. 2: Common Net, near Cuckold's Point, 2 %Wei Whitehall'', Odober a

... Smugglers, and the no lefs Vigilance of the Incurfions into Podlachia, and carried off fome Officers. Hundreds of Peafants into Slavery. The Bifhop We hear that the Parliament will be appoint of Polnania is arrived here from Poland. ed to fit for the Difpatch ...