... the course of a few days he would have a change for the better or wore,.. Frons M~r. B~lanclsard's he was taken to thle workhouse, with little hopes ?? prisorers were all remanded fur fssr- thter examinatio'n, till the fate of the unfortunate roan is ...


... After excavatilig the hill fo ir conres ciine, they brought tit light the body of a man; a slhell was sent for from the workhouse of St. George, Iianover-square, anti the butcly wtts cniuveyed to thle wvortkhiouseL' it is asupposed to ?? bseen uticer ...


... MARLBoRtOuGr-STREsTn-The Churchwvardens and Master of the Workhouse appeared before G. Farrant, Esq. for his advice, C under the followi ng circumstances, relative to a dead body lying in the workhouse, in a state of putrefaction, for the want of a Coroner ...


... rageronts.-Mr. FARRANT deprecated the negligence of thte Coronei-s;.he granted arn order for the body to be removed to tte workhouse. lie recommended that thie body atould be examined by a surg-eon, and that tile de- positions of thte beadle shold be made ...


... aboattb years of ae, we lament to state, perished in the flanes. Onl Friday evertng an :inqinsition waP taketi at St. Olave's 'Workhouse, on the bodies of Corddeio Hubbard and Attn Maiting, the female. who lost their lives in the drearfail conflacraion in T ...


... thel ptoor in the hunidreds oif Loss acid WVilfo.rd ; wheit the wages are t'a. dny, tire laborirera are allowed from the workhouse ~I . 17d. for each child monre than three,; lire employs aix labourers: pays each 2s. Gd. a day; sonore work by the piece; ...


... lamentable state of distress, and far ad- vanced iii pregnancy. Her necessities at length compelled her to seek refuge in a workhouse, where she finally was delivered of a child. 'Thse prisoner, in his defence, attempted to justify his conduct, by stating ...


... rishes; l513 partly by~tbeir parishes. But in s this total are not includbd the lunatics in Edin-. 1, burgh Bedlam and Charity Workhouse,- and ehe g Giaigqswo-Asylum and Town Hospital, in which t estabrishiments thore are 183 lunatics and idiots. - Thisa return; ...


... man applied to a 'neighbouring parish, they sent their beadles, and conducted him once more to the adjacent workhouse, as their. parish workhouse was half a mnile distant. Again stated that he vas a parishioner, which wes. confirmed by the by-standers. ...


... INQUEST.-An Tnquisitiun was taken yesterday be- fore Thomnas Stirling, Esq. Coroner, at the Board liorrt of St. Giles's Workhouse, on the body of Richard Wilford, who was found dead under tbe fillowing circumstances - The deceased rented a back garret ...


... it was taken in doors, where every kind attention was paid to it, and after it was warmed and fed, it was carried to thie work-house, in Little Gray's Int-lane. Yesterday the parish officers, who have taken up the case, attended at the Police Office, Hatton- ...


... deceased rented a back garret in St. Giles's, and lately had been in great distress; his -wife had been admitted into the workhouse, and he was offered alt asylunr there if he chose to accept it; he thought proper to decline it, preleri ng to stiffer great ...