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TO MOTHEIiS. MRS. WINSLOW’S SOOTHING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING. Has been used over Fifty Years by Millions of ..

... tlieir children while teething with perfect success. soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all taik, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diaiuihuia. Depend upon it, mothers, it will give rest to yourselves and Relief and Health to your Infants. Of all Chemists, Is. I id. per Dottle. *KTKOT_BEABIWO T HETTIAD UWEN AND^UBBER^rAM'ffsl^ ...

Tablets, Sd. A Tablets, 6

... soap were exercisedthe preparation for Ladies is Dr. Mackenzie’s Soap (ARSENICAL.) Boxes (3 tablets) post free. S. Harvey, Ltd,, Deumau Street, S E. ...


... THE RACING WORLD -such t-cotions of it as not bet. or betting, make book -had tine time at Goodwood. Tneie it was all right for everyone if they pleased to take the goods ottered them, but that unfortunately is just what the majority would not think of doing. The sun was genial, the roads scarcely to be called dusty, the course in grand order, the company as nearly up to average it could the ...


... Cleans and Disinfects. Sweetens and Purifies. Guards against Infection. Preserves Life. hair. When 1 mentioned the brine cure in the World of Women mentioned one or two other cures as well, but I cannot give the date of the paper now. 1 have nothing to say this week about dress except to call attention to the improved form of turned-up sailor-hat worn with the smart gown illustrated. In some ...