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WAREHOUSE. HENRIETI’A■ STREET- eonsequenee of the immense fall in the ,• CONGOU ran be had at this Warehouse ..

... SOUCHONG at 6s Od British per pouqd. May id. LET, for Three Lives and Forty one m lUrers.on; the NEW BUILT COTIAGK. th . .j,elaa Core, siiuatcd within mile and a Du, .more, containing Parlour. Drtwing-roonu and „, I.f-hamber.*, &r. ice., with good for tCIMIOUSK, and OUT-OFfICKS. all Slated. >'id, awell-cropiK-’d GARDEN, and Thirty Acres of »\|) Of less.— Apply Thomaa M'Dougall, Ballymataw, ...