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... GUILDHALL.-FOROED ORDERB.-4HARLES SHERWOOD was brought up for re-examination, upon acliarge of having, by means of forged orders, obtained a large quantity of fringe and lace, &c., the property of Messrs. Hutton and Co., fringe and lace manufacturers, Newgate-street. The facts of the case were stated in our Paper of Tuesday. Martin, the officer, produced a large quantity of the pro- per-ty, ...

This dtyispubils ied, No.Cll.of

... SINGULAR AFFAIR The two individuals who gave the assumed names of George Frederick Seymour and Thomas Junk, who were given into custody by Mr. Hedger, the chairman of the Quarter Sessions, on suspicion of having attempted to commit felony, were again brought up to Union-hall yesterday to undergo further examination on the extraordinary charge which was alleged against them. The defendants were ...


... MANSION HOUSE. GIN-DRiNxKrG.-Several cases of vagrancywere brought before the LORD MTYOR, in which it appeared that people who were out of employ- ment,on receiving relief,ofteu preferred gin to bread; so powerfully had the habit of gin-drinking taken hold of them, that they would snatch at the liquor first, even though they had not, during the previous twenty- four hours, eaten any food.-One ...


... ASSIZ)? INTJ?LLICENCE. ExPrSAOISDINATSy Roos1eay.-At Kingston; Surre~y, on Tuesday last Win. Banks, aged 30,- and James Smith, 25, were, capitally indicted, beforee Baron Garrow, for a burglary in the dsveiling-house of the Rev. Win. War- rington, at We~t Moulsey, on the 19th or Nov. 1828. The Rev. Win Warrinlgton sarid he w'as a clergyman, residing at Walton. Upon the night of the 19th of Nov ...

In Six Vols. Bvo.. price 21.75. sheets. Bishop burnets history ot his OWN TIME; with Notes the Earls Dartmouth and

... Hardwiekt', Sweaker Onslew. and Dean Swift. To which arc added other Annotations. Second Edition enlarjfed. Sold by J. H. Parker, Oxford ; Payne and Fo&s, Pall-mall; and E. Gardner, Paternoater-row, London. The Public is respectfully informed that the additions are now printing separate form, and win delivered gratis to the purchasers of the former edition. In few days. Two Volumes, poat Bvo., ...


... HERniNO V. HOTLE This was an action fur fahe imprisonment against the defendant, a schoolmaster at Stockwell, by the plaintiff, a boy 10 years old, who was placed at the school by his mother last Midsummer. It appeared that the mother went last Christmas to the defendant's to fetch home her child, but the defendant refused to let him go until his bill was paid, which the mother was not at that ...


... COURT OF CHANCERY.-Thursday, May 8 V. THE EARL OF JERSEY. This was a motion to dissolve an order made by his Honour the Vice- Chancellor, and the principal facts of the case were briefly as follow :— A bill had been filed to obtain the spe- cific performance of an agreement against the Noble De- fendant, who not putting in an appearance, letters missive of Crocess of sequestration issued ...


... QUEEN-SQUARE.— An unwashed, cadaverous, half- starved-looking cobbler, named Elwood, was charged with stealing a fat goose and a leg of mutton from the shop of Mr. Watliog, the proprietor of a cook-hop in Arabella- row, Pinilico. It appeared that the prisoner had been seen lurking about the shop, and feasting in imagination on the smoking geese, rounds of beef, and other luxuries of the season ...