... With Scintilla east 97 «ts. • Knit 1 in. moss st. (1 st. plain, 1 sfc. purl alternately). Knit Osts. moss st., join on Stranded Cotton and knit * 1 st. Stranded. st. Scintilla in stocking Repeat from to end of row, finishing row with 9 st*. moss st. in Scintilla. Repeat from ♦* three times in all. Knit* 2 rows with Scintilla, keeping first and Inst nine needle moss st. Carry the Stranded ...


... srs. Baldwin Opens Belfast Hospital —A Trafalgar Day Feature. three to-day the opening; cere- the Royal Maternity Hospital jjl be broadcast from the new Hospital, principal speaker will be Mrs. Stanley Baldwin. \t eight o’clock Belfast relays a special rariety hour from London with the title ••What Next?” Programme ot Topical Tunes: Alma Vane, the singer; Jack Wilson and Jack Venables, the ...


... \T 6,50 Mr. D. A. E. Harkness, of the Northern Ireland Ministry of Agriculture, talks to Ulster farmers about farm Accounts.” At 8.15 Belfast relays the 8.8. C. symphony concert from the Queen’s Hall, London, ihe principal work to be performed is Beethoven's Mass in D. The scries of talks, Other People’s Jobs,” ends 10.10 to night, when a Prowler tell listeners about ” Belfast Night Workers.” ...

MOTORS AND CYCLES FORD and Morris Cars, 1937 model, now in stock. Send for lists, Post Free. D. C. Cruickshank,

... Union Street. iLate) HORNET Drop-head Coupe; reit/O-L bored, repainted: ne* tyres, plugs, and battery; £30. Phone 6. MODEL 10.8 SINGER Saloon, free-wheel -LiyO'J model, black and green, one owner only, and in really first-class condition, £135. T. C. Smith ...

MOTORS AND CYCLES O —SEE the 1938 Silver Streak models •»J Aberdeen's onlv Motor Cycle Specialists. Cheyne ..

... Street. IZOTOR Cycles. Wanted. 250 c.c. preferred: must be electrically equipped. Write, stating age and price required, to Box IAR Wheel Chains, good, for Sale. Apply Robertson. Bookseller. Inverurie. OR Sale. Pair of Chains, suitable for country van or car, x 79. Box 709. AUSTIN Seven Saloons: £10. £32. £45. Littlelohn. Cluny. 'Phone: Sauchen 14. fg 1 MOTORS, ELLON 1937—AUSTIN 7.8 H.P. ...