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to. The Captures made by England before War was declared (hall not be reftored. France (hall not retain 0(1 end

... Ceflions in North America and Africa, and the Demolition of the Works Dunkirk/ 9 France agrees that the EaA India Companies (hall fettle their Differences. to- France infifts on the Refutation of the Captures made before the War. 11. France never intended ...

Published: Saturday 07 November 1761
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1907 | Page: 2 | Tags: Classifieds 

Bristol, March 8

... Moor, from Newfoundland. Arrwd At Martinico, the Sally, Floyd ; at Antigua, the Surprife, Erlkine, (from Africa); and the Fox, Drew ; at Africa, the Black Prince, Miller; at Jamaica, the New-Grace, Clark; at Providence, the Little Jofeph, Steel, and ...


... tho' given, mult be allowed worth more than the Price of the Magazine, which contains, belides the Authentic Hiltory of the War, and Hiltory Parli inent, a greater Variety of new and original Eflays and curious Productions then are to found in any other ...


... prid»- war. Atfnn CiaeohditiMthefoMefafoUcr- lpko cur iiaik, ait the’a«A for. fan* month, wMh entry thing cencainnd4MMht*-f-A Tartars aatatked tm they fled >o . kinatc coatbat*' . ,' , LOMDOK. *. The thoughtt of how nlaced upon aaoroaching war, and we ...

Published: Saturday 10 August 1771
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 861 | Page: 1 | Tags: Classifieds 

MiURSDAYs FOST LONDON, September THE Gazette this night containsan . ccount the taking the llowit fe French ..

... the ceilion of Man* the Emperor, which it Walt leading article in the preliminary treaty, depends the important event peace war.—This article the reltitution of Mantua to the Km- Ceror, the Executive Directory of France efitate to confirm, and upon its ...

Published: Monday 11 September 1797
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 891 | Page: 1 | Tags: Classifieds 

V and Taiflilift folk. IndaCtre. from St fix p»ffed two attilcrt, who bad thea two Inge Aamicu flupt laden whh't»

... direfl vidhdiod the tenth article of thdrherty* . Comnwdore.Thompfon’i Ming from gpHhead in fuch *' a hurry, far the cow'of Africa, * mcnthk Vdo very great proof which originated in .that quarter (fl»t had caufed qn altercation between the Minitleri of ...

Published: Saturday 15 October 1785
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Illustrated | Words: 833 | Page: 2 | Tags: Classifieds 

London, September 17

... Difcovery the Longitude. Orders are lent Cha.ham for die Shipwrights the Dock Yard work Half a Tide extraordinary, tome Ships of War fining out there, the Dtftination of which is a Secret. Some fitfh Orders are faid to have been difpatched Lit Week Col. Dcfmaretz ...

London and Braflington Turnpike. NOTICE is hereby GIVEN. THAT a General Meeting of the Truftees for carrying ..

... COMPLEAT, & UNIVERSAL SYSTEM of GEOGRAPHY* CONTAINING Every Thing that is Cutious, Interefting, and Entertaining, t X Afia, Africa, Europe, and America.. AKD COMPR r HENOIN a A Compleat Hiftory and Prcfent State of the W H O L E WORLD, its Inhabitants and ...

Published: Thursday 17 January 1782
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 4752 | Page: 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

Briton, this week, in after the op- JL pofcrsof the enluingpeace, and exculpating the Landholder*, Stockholders ..

... cope with and w«; are faddled with the protection Portugal, which makes A verv confiderable addition to the expence of the war. Notwithstanding which we have rifen in our demands, an acquired fubltantial advantages the Treaty VVe ha\e retained the fruitful ...

Published: Tuesday 28 September 1762
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 902 | Page: 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

The Boy and the Nett

... 'he Midi- eines employed in the Navy, hate onlutd ihis Foitdti to be fo preferved for the Ule of all his Jvlajtlty's Slips of War; and a large Q^iainny is alio made up in the lame Manner lur Meuhinis and Captains of Trading Ships, as well as foi thofe who ...

Stands? * mod Sunday’s Pofo. 1. OND O K, oa. 3» , . tjA* Letter from Tom Win fay», AijeriOrt,

... great ally the French King had agreed to fend fufficicnt force to protect the Dutch fettle meats Cite Gold Coaft* Africa, viz, four men of war, eight flore-flrip*, and federal ethers with troop* bnard. This day the Leeward Hand fleet arrived in the rivet ...

Published: Saturday 10 November 1781
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 874 | Page: 2 | Tags: Classifieds