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Law Intelligence

... Mr Jullice Buller .dzeEted the jury to find a fpecial verdik, in w, ;.er that the Judges rmight hereafter decide %poin the law concerning it.-Thie Jury re- Coined accordingly. I-NTELLIGENCE froz FRANCE. 'Paris papers are received to the 23d in. hey contain ...


... have it irterred that Dcfendant was a cuckold.-Ver- notii dikt fir Ilaintid; with.os. damilages. Pari lar Is itONDAY, DEFc. 2. corn IWILt NSONX, V. LIN3DSAY AND JONAS. you Mr. Garrow faid, that this was an aflion againr they the Defendants for having cheated ...


... courle of law, be judged guilty of felony, and may be tranfported for any term of years not exceeding feven years ; and every perfon who fhall take anv fuch oath or engagement, not being conm- peiled thereto, (hall, on ?? thereof by due coarfe of law, be judged ...