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From WEDNESDAY JUNI 20, to SATURDAY Just :3. 1750

... wanting another Pot,. they got the Change from the Servant and made off. Saturday Morning one Samuel Williams, a Watchman, engaged in a ‘Vreftling-match with a Brother Watchman near the Tobet's in St. Paul's Church-yard, and in the Conteft had h s Leg broke ...


... flow (hail I (lays . be) defcribe a ,King, in wham the Wsurior, thc Lelpfiator, the,P&litician, the prcfound Wife Man, the engaging fine Gentleman, an the Philofopber, .are united: Who potteles the peculiar and eflential Qyalities of each in an eminent ...

An ASSEMBLY, at Francis initfieltA, :l Ii this City, on Tuefday the loth of July next. TICKETS to be had

... . ; paeffed of a plentiful Fortune ; Part of which he has left to Peacock of Reading, to whom he .has been for fume Time engaged, and was loon to be married. This Afternoon Bank Stock was 134. India Ditto, MI. Sovek-Sea Stock, its z half. Ditto ad Annuities ...

. . . . . , By I.ettere Ireland we learn, that Cal. Peyton died lately at Potnishon idthe Cottnty

... to Col. Napiet ; sod thatlaft Thurfilay the Colonel delivettd a CettlitatC of the Wounds the had received in the difertim Engagement!. Lift Night there .war the greaten Number of reputablePerfoos ever known at the New Welts, Goodinares Fields, to fee and ...


... but that two Galliuts of Trapani having given them Chafe, bad not only obliged them to abandon their Prizes after a (mart Engagement, but had alto taken one of thole Corfairs, on board of which was In Men, who had been made Slaves. Genoa, July rr. Moft ...

I.C) N, itsivo f. M Jetty been rleas'd to promote the Hon. Lor.i Lk Cavendifh, .Son to his Grace the

... length got the Body, bat found ap Arm and a Leg ent-ngled in the Root of an old free; but whilft were enicavouring to dif. engage the Drribs, in older to get the Corpfe into their Moe, they perceived a Serpent of a prodigicet Size, fattesed to the Left ...

totorious bso.l !Life ioth,s. drear. old-bailey, am] fst ,lavrn to ti7iak there, and when he Was for ceininst ..

... Fields Wells, to have fomeDiverfioat, as they termed it ; prison of Goods of all floats may be hid to be ineßimahle. but engaging with fome Jack Tan, they returned back with (event Lofs and Damage done laft Year is affirmed to be fluty thoulael Wounds ...

1,5: Gdl4lll, 7. 1 1 c(;•.e. Tilv as. Several Perfons having petitione.! Lave to r Corn into foreign Parts '

... Way, and has been invented by on e Steuben, formerl y awa y and rode clear off an OfScer in the Pruffun Service, but now engaged in that of this Laity died In Jamaica, Otte, VT and Court, where he inftrues the Cadets in the Art of Engineering. (aid to ...

From SATURDAY Atrousr u, to WEDNESDAY Avorst is

... The Method they took was this, they agreed that two of them fhould pick a Quarrel, and then fight, and whilft they were engaged their Confederates were to pick Pockets amongft the People who look'd on. Laft Saturday Morning one Dun, a lame Porter, that ...

btPiTie by

... to fire after him, which wounded him fo much that he died on Friday Night. He was reputed a quarrelfome Man, and had been engaged in the late Rebellion. Dublin, Aug. 4. Thurfday Night about Eleven o'Clock feveral armed Fellows went to the Houfe of Mrs ...


... extraordinary is Pate our Readers; no Lxor Care Ain is wanting, tither with Regard to the compiling or efain,ll,ing our I.lnderta engage their we ill give an isml.:re !Vance, by adding one Sheet more, and CUTS arid MAPS finely cu;raved by the befi Ma erg. ...