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... returned into Purr, in order to his Ship's being tepaired, the bating received great Damage in a very long and obfiin2te Engagement with Ave Algerine Coriolis about tbe Middle of Lit Month, in which (he funk two of them, and obliged the others to off in ...

Pk* Ai cim, thi. sc. Vcn it. Yeterday, about Five o'Cloci in the Evening e had a Shock of Earthquake;

... Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle. 11. His Britannick Majefty, fora Compenfation of Sterling, which his Catholick Majefty promifes and engages to pay at Madrid, or at London, to the Royal Affiento Company, within the Term of three Months or bower, from the Day of the ...

celiidi they enjoy'd berote the lan War, in Virtue of Schedules or Royal Ordinances, by the Articles of tbe Treaty

... no other Nation has any Part, Intereft, or Right of Intervention, being hereby accommodated; the two ferene Kings mutually engage for the pundual Execution of this Treaty of reciprocal Compenfation, which null be ratified by their (aid Majefties, and the ...

- ! 6n tit bailke f.the Cie, Pei, has been •As,4 Qoaiitillet of very Pieces of Allli k been dug

... and upon examining the Place, to fee if any Thing wi dropt, they found the Rafcal's Finger, which had been cut off, the Engagement. The chief Reafon of inferting this is, in' the Fellow fhould apply to any Surgeon, that he may be fccuted, this may ...

IC fq; ing IT. waited laft TlAiirciay rm tile Society of the Free Btitifh Fifhery, at Merccrs ilill ; when

... current Service of the Year. I defire only fuch Supplies, as fhall be necef- Ivy for your own Security, and making good fuch Engagements as have been contraaed, and are now communicated to you. The fuccefsful and happy Progrefs, which has been made in the Reduaion ...


... retire under the Walls of 'ondicherry to beg the Protedion of the French Government. ,bove tOOO French were killed in this Engagement. Yelterday upwards of Seventy Gentlemen in the Unieetfity of !ambridge were relented to the Degree of Batchelor: of Arts ...

B A NK RUP 7: Charlet Lutes, of Saito Mildred, in the Poultry, Loam, Dealer and Cbatmom

... ot Petersburgh the Year 1746, to the Ead that his Excellicy may communicate it to the French Court, to convince her the Engagements contraded by that Acceftion do not contain ly Thing to give Umbrage to any Power. Yeßerday at Three o'Clock ended the Poll ... ELte t flat !eft to Chr;t4orber Wyvill. Efq, h i Executor. A liillleritation has pars'il the'Grtat ..

... Hiftorical Map of Scotland and England, fo far as the Rebels advanced, containing a Defcription of the feveral Places of Engagements, &c. with the particulars thereof, was taken into Cuftody of his Majefty's Meffengers, as was alfo the Engraver, Printer ...

fLoufaha will helaiCti at 3 per Cent. in order lo pt of the unfuhfcrihed Annuifres , one Third Patt •

... have perilli'd had he been found there. The Parliament has fince caufed Repreienta. lions to be made to the King, in order to engage his Majetty to draw up certain Articles and Rules, that may effeaually put a Stop to the indifcrete Zeal of the Clergy; againft ...

HEN. SHEIFE, Stgward

... the Body. Dr. Bennet immediately went Home and fetch'd his Sword, and came back to Dr. Williams's Houfe, where they had an Engagement; but Benner gave Williams a Wound, and broke his Sword in his Neck, and then made off, and Williams purfued him a few Yards ...