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... DUBLIN. There great want negro ferwants in all the fouthern provinces of America to fupply which deftoenCy, the French are fitting out fereial (hips Afiica, to furnilli the American matket with (lives, winch wrfl be for fame time one of the tnofl profitable trades that can carried with,the New Slates. About twelve o’clock on night a failor was flopped in Francis-ffreet, three footpads, armed ...

TtmrfdayV and Friday's Polls

... and Friday's Polls. „ , O 14. . declaration aa&exed to the DcaMttTe Trea* ttcs, Chandeoagorc is only to be furroutlded with a ditch to drain off tkt waters. The French did thU year* agoj hot aa it .was percehrcd to be merely Iciot Goollrud a fortificaiton, a party of Englim foldiers Were ordered to fili the ditch, and the worlu! dticomiooed. The Kthg bye ofiered «0,000 Ticket* of a new ...

feawicoap and feMlliap’s LONDON, July 19. King of Pruflfta is determined not wait for the flow ad referen-111 T ..

... thc Dulch * demands 111 ID immediate fatisfaftion for the injury vd«> done to his auguft Sifter, and has iffued orders for the march of 40 battalions of infantry, and 30 fquadrons of horle which will amount to near 50,000 men— and better difeiplined than any power on the Continent can bring into thc held. Ihey arc ordered to proceed to Cleves. The Earl Talbot, Taylor, from Bengal and Madras, ...


... lioufes, were I'amciently alledgr-d to be nccc!Tdry.—They have al(b publUhcd order through the borough to the following purport;—“ That order as much as polliblc dinunilh the number ale houfes, without injury to individuals, and thereby remove the temptations to diforder which arc too frccpicntly held out in thole houlcs, they have come to a refolution not to grant licences to any Houles which ...

;n Scale. Hence Wijdom found, and unrepenting Choice

... ESTA at SOWERBY ROW. J«; l v 4, 1789. TO he SOI.D, in Public Sale, and Entered upon at Candlemas, at the Houle o! Jonathan’ Dawson, the ol the While Hart, in Penrith,on TUESDAY the nth Day Augujl, 1789; all that ElUtr, (late tlie Property John r ison) fituatc SOWERBY HOW, in the oi i'uJHe Sowerby, confilling of Two commodious Dwelling Houles, Barns, Byers, Stables, and other convenient Out ...

ELECTIONS. POLL fcr Co. ANTRIM at CARRICKF2RGU?. #1 nd*f, jtft Miy, tj d»y. ITbarf. ift June, u day

... ELECTIONS. POLL fcr Co. ANTRIM CARRICKF2RGU?. nd*f, jtft Miy, tj d»y. ITbarf. ift June, day. Vf. O'Ne IVr How’ey Mr. Leflie Mr. St»te J on Monday Fitf the Earl of MilWbor--.i>ph The Hon. Robert Stewart 1168 l*e EMw. W»H «»o» Go Mathews, ££q; 741 State the poll for the LOufity Cork, Monday laft ; For Mr. Bernard rur Mr. Morri* Lord Kinglborcogb 816 At the of the poll fer the tonne Galway, eft ...

Market f^eralti. MAR

... K-LANE, Monday, Dec.. 3. We had another very plentiful arrival Wheal for to-day*s market, and the demand proving rather Hack the prices declined about> 6d. per quarter the beginning of the day, mid full 6d. more towards the dole, from the currency of this day fe*nnight ; there wtrf very fink Rqns Ibid 44.9. noon, and it mud hive bred quite a fuperfine parcel have theft fetched *-Rye and Oats ...

i SATURDAY'S PORTS. • Jk irri, Vieuka, July 17. Sutr-rSuorj, July 17. report made by General Kray, ift. Field ..

... Lieutenant ter abritk bombardment of three capitulation : the of to retreat, on condition of not it fit montha.—General Ott found great quantity of ammunition e hindered or annoyed opening before Mantua, General Kray rcftrong tower Ccrcfa, and well and artillery men, tbit enteron the at day break, as fo! 24 cannon and howitzers, Jetachmcnt of ranger, andTyrolian ported two divilion*. Colanel ...