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Law Intelligence

... talu 5ntelitgence. T COURT or KING's BENCH. BARRErT av. HANCOCr. I This affion was brought to recover d.-. t mages for an affault. The plaintiff was zero vant to the defendant, who is a gentleiyaen in the neighbourhood of London. One San- day he permitted this fervant of his to g:. s London to fpend the day. He came h .n, intoxicated late at night, an houer after ~11t; ;mafer andinif'refshad ...

Law Intelligence

... Eatu 5ntelligeler, COURT or KING's BENCH. COMBIONATION Or SHOEI\I.KEtS. Monday laft, an adion tvas tr-ed beforr Lord Kenyon, wherein feveral swafter lhoe- makers prosecuted their journeymsen for sn- tering into an illegal combinati6n to force as, increafe of wages. It was flated that there were 30,000 journeymen in this fociety.- The combination was fully proved againft the defendants in this ...

Law Inteligence

... Lato COURT OF KING's BENCH. The Court Friday, M1ay 3. The Court vwas crowded at a very earny hour, in expecation that ft!ntence htold t': ,affed on Lord Thanet and Mr Fer ifoo, fn- the riot at Maidstone, of which thes 1V lately found guilty on a trial at bar. The defendants attendd, d.nd, after a addrefs from each, in wihich they difrcla;- all intention of preventing, or pervcr juflice, ...

t~iutoUl), Alp 30. H

... IGHH COURT OF JUSTiCIAXY. Monday, came on before the Court, the trial of William Butler, private in the Pem- broke(hire Fencible Cavalry, accufed of the murder of Serjeant Owen Jenkins, of the fame regiment, on the 8th of March laft, at Haddington. The pannel pled zzotgzgity, and the CourE pronounced the ufual interlocutor. After the examination of witneltes, the Solicitor General fummed up ...

Law Intelligence

... I Lawb3 potlleigee Of- I W; ------- - - COURT or KING's BENCH. otn the Both inft. Mr Jullice Grefe pro- .-,Ianced the fentence of the Court on Mr G. :-'7akefield, for the publication of a libel . osito aued in a letter to the- Bilhop of Landaff. - vtt was orderedtobeconfined-twvoyears in z' '.. bewer gaol, and to give fecurity for 3,- lbehaviour for five years, hi. H'ef io-500l. - zwo ...

Edinburgh, July 4

... eDilbtt~b, UtP 4- COURT OE SESSION. rFeNSSMIISSION OF hlONEY BY POST. 3 caufe is highly important to the conn- at large, as well as to thofe intrufted .i he Pofi Office department of the fe. The circumatances which gave life h a~1ion are as follokws f Farries, carrier in Ecclefechan, the ..e, through the medium of his brother tTt' n Farric.y, inclofed in a letter to Mefffrwr .''.!and & C7o. ...


... E D INB UR G H. JytI 29. HIGHS COURT OF JUSTICIARY. . ' Thurfday, came on the trial of Patrick Anderfon, Officer of Excife in-the parifh of e Cruden, and county of Aberdeen, indi&ed I at the inftance of his Majefly's Advocate for I murder; he having, on the xpth of Decem- t I ber lafi, in a fcuffle with John Kennedy, and Philip Kennedy his brother, wickedly and t I feloniously flabbed and cut ...

Police Intelligence

... 1police -qr# once. FORGER? iOM THE BANK OF. ENGLAND. Carpmeal, theipolicr arrive& at the Public-Office in.Bow-fireet, London, ori Saturday laft, from an excurfion in whic-he anied V Mr. Blifs, 'a gentlenian' belingirsg-'to the anka of -England>-. It- had -been Bifcovered that a B great numniberoff6r'ed Bank ?? Notes had been, circulated--near Leeds, and ?? larly at Otley, in Yorkihire, as well ...

Military Courts Martial

... w0-maitarp airtz partiat. I ,Yudge ?? Ofer, sif, OH.a o; 1799. I have had the honour to lay before the e Ring the proceedings of a General Gpurt_' r. Martial, held in the city of York on Monday el the' 23d day of laft& months and on- feveral fubfequent days) for the trial of John Worth- A, ington, Efq. Major of the Suffex Regiment of ?? Fencible Cavalrv, upon feveral articles of E charg6 ...

Edinburgh, Dec. 5

... Milbuff 1), Dec. 5. ch~ HIGH COURT o JUSTICIARY. be Monday, came on before the High Court to I of Jufliciary the trial of David Hunter, la- fou bourcr at Bonryrigg, parifh of Cockpen, and to county of Edinburgh, accufed of the murder feel of Anne Blaikie, refiding at Bonnyrigg, by me difcharging at her the contents of a loaded gun, which lodging in her neck, occasioned wit death immediately, ...


... LAWP INTJELL IGENCE. to y( COURT OF KING'S-BENCH, NOv. 30. gcne - plac l5OOPER 5J. SUTTON, POP AN ASSAULT, verp It was flated on the profecution, that Plaintiff conf vwho is an old pyeman, was, without provocatiorij foiu ftruck by Detendant, who cut his face, and knocked Erle, out one of his teeth. It was on the other hand at Ih flated, that whilft Defcndant flood with his wife at his door, ...

Edinburgh, Dec. 12

... eDiliburffl), Dec. 12. HlGII COURT of YUSTICIR2- Monday, came on before the High Court f Jufticiary, the trial of Andrew Holmes, ~..; ufed of breaking into the fhop of Philip j tylor, fpirit dealer, Lawn-market, on or . ;ut the night between the 9th and ioth of arch laff, and flealing from thence 701. in caih and notes-of breaking into the fhop of Alexander Livingflone, grocer, Crofscaufe. ...