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South West, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... autifi6ncer. Sale to t~g~n at ejven i'cl6ck iki' the forenoon. SERvVAITS' VWAINIED, I N a finall family inl the cqurntry, a MAID of all work; a!fqa MlA ID to attend tabic and work at her needle, (he mnuit make towns well. Unexceptionable charaacrs will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... them conhliting of two p).arlours, a kitchen, anti a cellar underireath, tour bed-rooms and a ,arret, a court-yard amd waflhhoufe, now- in theoccounpation of, Mr. Trift, as te- om:lit ; an(l the other of them eionfiftin- of a parlour, a kit- c hen, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ? Efiuirc of Mr. Stephens, fadler, near the new befe london inn, Exeter. atI yarc SERVANTS. A IIANTED, a HOUSE-MAID, aLAUN- Toz VY DRY-MAID, and a FOOTMAN. They mult th all perfectly underfiand their bufinefs, and have an te unexceptibnable charafter ...

Advertisements & Notices

... an.experiecced HOUSE-MAID, T T a ftrong'aftkie woman, who thoroughly under- ftands her bulipers, aisd can undertake the caie of alarge houfe in the country. She mutl be able to work well at .her r'edlc' I . Alfb, a L.AUNDTtY MAID, who has lived in that ...


... of two rotums, which eat -would make a comfortable bionic fmm a finall genteel ext family; confiffiutg at prefent, of one parlour, kitchen, ret -&C. ; and four lodging-rooms ; with about 70 acres of~ .rt god rc mreiadow, pafture, and arabic lan-P, 3 h ...

Advertisements & Notices

... particulalts, apply (if by letter, polt-paid), to t-he printers of rhlii paper. [1955 VANTED, a fleady frirvnnt, as HOUSE- W \ MAID, in a fffiall farnily, who is capable of work- ng at her needle. -A jterlbn betwein p0 and 40 will be pre- fet recl. L.etters ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fl 1 .CQOOK.. She will be required to dret1 meat in a;plain way, aind perfot m the wbole work of the kitchtqn. Alfb, a HOUSE-MAID,. who undertlands walhing'and the bufinefs of the laundry. wi p Alfo, a.MAN-SERVANT,'whnwill unrlertake thpecars. of two horfes ...

I b; e SfSOLD, a GIG

... ldelct) may be known on,application. P3684 , fANTEJ), itt a family- of diffination, -a 'V fituationi as HOUSEKEETER and LADIES' MAID,. or rts HOUSEKEEPER and COOK, a woman of a refipeft- ,ale family, comes extremely well recommended from her. lafl place, for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ex6- Y V ter, a fteady HOUSE-MAID, who las been accuS- tonmed to the care of a large houfe., and thoznughly under- ftands her work. Nonn necd apply Wtho has not lived for feveralyears in the regular emplloymentof lloufe-maid, aild can have an unexceptionable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Suutuherrilay, iister. Exeter, May 17, 1809. ,,E R V-A N S.- , , 'W ANTED, ?? FOOTMAN and HOUS& MAID, who thoroughly underftand their bufinef9.: alfo, as UPPER NURSERY MAID, a ?? field' middle aged Wotrian, who has b4e& aciltonmcd to chi?. dren, and-:cadL wyork ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fteady middllt aged WoMan, as COOK, who undleftands the managetment of a d.iiuy, fi e will halve a kitchen-maid under het. Alo. .1 ilOlJUS E-MAID, who thoioughly underfilands N.nIU but fich as have UnfXCCIpionable charaaers need i to Mcfl. Trewian and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A handfome well bred GREYIOUNDS. A)pply to Franiklin, ladler and harncl's-makcr, Exeter. SERVANTS WANTED. FOOTIAN and COOK-MAID, who Ai know their butinefi, and can have good cha- raeters, tniav hear of fituations, by applying at Mr, Harker's, tadler ...