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... Th.c public veto lometime ago informed that the Trincornalce, armed fliip, was blown up during an en- gagement in the Arabian gt_!p_ with a French ptivateer, but the particulars were not known ; .the following let- ter ftom Mr John C p.amsisgtos, the iirit officer ot the fhip Pearl, in the country trade of the Hon. East India Company, who was a prifoner on board the pri- vateer at the time of ...


... May 9- Perfcverance, from Cam pbclto _ for Chsiliian- Sound, ballaft. II! Mary', lirowu,' fur Gseeiiee:;, froiii Sunday in Ork- y, meaL ij. Commerce, Smith, from Dublin fbr Petersburg. 17. Alligator, from i-esth for Liverpool, ballaft. 19. Ceres, Rofs, from Londonderry for Dasitstic, lisllafr. Margaret and Ann, Uairi.c.., from BaHyi-— — _, Invc-riiefs, flates. Eu — cr. in Saturday's paper. ...

?? ?? ?? 5... , ?? ?? j T'fy. v - ■ :'• :ff:f:f brcaft of e^cry loyal Alb] ??

... I providential de- pot up our ii dent pray sto Heave to Batch „ - ?? s-s ,- bleffiogs we deri-elrora yonr paternal t re and a stSion. [Prefentcd by tiie Right Hon. .Icnry Duudas.] the mod imminent dangers illultras j - M : ?? i Chrittian Wl . ; ■■■;- ?? ' ■ •'. ?? mi : ..■ d loyal fubjecl-, the No- At Edinburgh, -tii May, IZOO. ...

1 '■ :\./:- * !

... 1 '■ ?? * ! PARIS— Jape 6- AR M V Oi- R i-1 SE R V hi. Arrived at the foot of St Bernard, the Erfl nbftacle to be overcome wes to fend over the artillery. The pr0 ?? -A e-f a road, funic league- hi length, and 18 iurhes only in width, over pointed rocks, and mountains ol -how which thrcatwicu j crowded round the- pieces to obtain the honour of drawing them. In this conflia of ardour and ...


... NANTES MAY S& Yefterday at noon one cf the tu-'ai containing about ei^ht or nine hundrdi of powder, blew up with a t: ?? buildings attached to the tower bss lire- yed. In a moment the great toss the ditches, furrour.ding ?? SB qusrters cf the town, Were covered -- rai bodies were vio'emly fnaken, itx.-i A four pounder was carried beyon.. _ foot of the terrace of the co_:t, ?? i carriage were ...

__^ -J-^rr-t_-_ret--li__-!__?

... ?? - J ?? I ! I James Hadfield, charged with high ;;>g at his Majefty in Drury-Lane The- W up and arraigned upon his __—__— it, °- 'he Attorney General. He pleaded : »r.d up on pps; s p et j t : ot , t0 tne Court, Mr fended expedition/ He will, ofc'ou-.fe, ««_?* em' in his fche. ' | • °. a oi flag officers, which is expect- ?? '^mediately on the anival of Lord | uf - Übric ? ge ?? > °«« cf ...


... PLYMOUTH- June 18. This morning anived the Uniccrn, of 32 guns, Cap- tain P. Wiikinfon, from a cruize on the coalt of France, with nine French prizes, viz. two brigs, fix luggers, and a lloop*, all laden with proviiions, which were cut out of a bay near the Penmarks, on the 10th inflant, by the boars of the fquadron under the command of Ad- miral Sir J. B. Warren, conlilflng of the Renown and ...


... ?? OF ?? •_.'■ _ Lord Tex. t.c b ought up tl bill, which was or,:, red to be eni ri a third rime to-morrow. '' ; The lloufe rcfolved into a ?? .. Ro.z moved ?? i ?? .- there Wi is one authotijing t,., , ?? ' upon ; aper larger than the __ I V ?? ; The Houfe __s lelLin.d, a_i_£ be read to-morrow. On the motion of Mr Rose, ' lecond time, and ordered to 0- _ ?? '• MtDondas ..relented ...

(Vienna Court [ill].)

... Fir.Wa THlE UiAMBURG'd \IAiL. (1/jenna Court Gazeile.) C Gcneral Baron Krav, in a report, dated e Ulm, the 25th inil. flates, that on the pre- e ceding day the enemy had made a reconnnit- I C ring party, and at the fame time a ferions at- I d tack on the left wing of the corps of General r Sztarray. On this occafion General Guilay t (who had ditinguiffhed himfelf in feveral pre- 1 ceeding ...

MiribTuT , 3t[ne 26

... -rr-r Pr)ITTD-7 r)TL' WIC-e7hT-l.:! HIGI-I COURT OF JyTIS7ICI-R2- Monday the 23d, came on the trial of XViI- lians\ Maxwell, late ferjeant in the 4th regi-I ment of North Britilh Militia, azcufed of taking and adminifering unlawful oaths, of a being a leading and aclive membcr of the fo- r ciety of United Scoffmen, of endeavouring to promote their purpofes, by ieducing the fol 1 diers to ...


... E D I N B UR G H, Y'nie 2f3. COURT OF SESSION. I : \e forrnerly gave an account of thc deci- ti .Ion of the Court, in an aclion brought at the I inrtanee of John Cadell, Efq. of Cockerzie. a~rainfl John MAorthland, Efq. Advocate, and i . Johnilone, printer of the S ots Chronicle, t for having publithed z libel agaiufl him in t'aat paper on the ift day of September 1797-f T'hIe following is a ...