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Advertisements & Notices

... G M ' C1R T 'i , -::A ,E ; ,IGAME- CERTIFICATES. tAST.RID1NG OF YORKSHIR:E. -A LIST of CERTIFICATES illued in the Riding aforrfiaid, with refpect to the muty, between the aft day of July and the 5th day a September, 1804, purruant to the afts of Patlia- int, granting a Duty on .fuch Certificates. - Name:, Additions, and Places of A&orc. Arden John, wine-merchant, Cherry Burton Ayre San'uel, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... l Meafurc of Limie. e n the OWNERS and OCCUPIERS 2;A~filS i, tir Oinifions of SOU TH and MID- L'd HA dODEgbisS, htld at the Old Sun, in jon, the 7thl May, 1S04. ISsA CSOL VED, ,it dppetr el -o tihe MKeitbng, ft r,. ! g ficribed in the Statute 1 tb l ; i- e proper 1ega1 BujJbi fbrr i lling 1iuie and Coals; whiics Biofliel is fj, fl.ojing dimetfions, t'iz * Eight inches j quarter deep; eighteen ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0gECGAPlTULATION Or Ttli MOST REMARKABtLE OCCURRENCES DURING. THE YEAR 18C.3. CjfA UA7UfRY. A COUNTS received of thie final uliiojatgation 3- J of Switaeriand.-His Majel.v's Ptolclma- -i ;1 hijed. to prnhibit the taporttatiow of bread-corn from Great-Britain or Ireland to any other coutitry, wvifli eacepteirrnof maltand rice; and alfo of live rattle, F'eep, fwille, arid provifion, except to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1tJLL GGN#,RAL' IN#1RMARy AtUGU7ST,7 180.. ?? :gpearbs to thie Boi'df e e pfsl ely ce ied jorr she pulrpe) f-rm theree f 1 Medical Gentlemen who attendekd 'taa ,pwards of 17,000 perfo 6 ve been inoctdated, °oao onn and elfewherejfor ike. CO. -POX; 4:hat there are very fubjtantial gr ounds to b i,, it is an efelual preventive againfi the Ssallap.P p: and it appearinga that the Poor mas reieve ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Capital and Singilair Benefits To be gained ir the enfeing IRISH LOTTERY, That legins. Dravaing the 30th of NEXT MONTH, ?? For E;gute Guineas * £zo,ooo0 05'0 For Four Pounds Eight Shillings X0,000 f For Two Pounds Five Shillings 5,000 * For One Pound Two Sb/hugo Avud Six pence - _ 3 ,500 j -z For Eleven Shillings aonl Sixp ence zzgoJ W Alfo the chance of the other CArITALS of Io,oool. 5,oool. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _1fo .keSOLDbyAfUCTION, At the CROSS KEYS INN, in Whitefriargate; HULL, On Xoiday the i4!1, Mareb injgamS, atfour o'!cloc in ibev afternoon, (anlefifooner dijpyed of &y privat, ontralt wbsreof notice will he given) rT'HE good American Schooner A_ -L.called the_8ETSEY, now.' W69n in Hull Dock, (late John Tanton, iMaaier,) of about 9! tons meafure- -rnent, bting a well- built burthenfome-vefiel, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 5. by. ?? the dolhool lately msulerilotendled T byhe'Mie- rs Earox Srr epcfhalltO e that GAD an he MlN~GSHO o ON AI S will be RE-~ Tb Cars. ontloig trmsma ?? MIN WOOD. - egCLASSICAL,' M TE AICAL, :A ,DCOX-. I MERCIAL EDUCATION Isum ad MfR. W. Al.. F ISHEkH will RE-OE i ef ?? . ACADEMY, 39, 1Great George-irtrOet, OnL WilDNE5DAV, ve the l7th January instant. ?? .I;k r I N, er In ?? young ...

Advertisements & Notices

... nd of de. ioh bll on IaS tp- on lb. ro- )or od n- on ra- so- um r. le ir is t ha is 2o le rd ls I. ot it la 1. Ii gr, It 0! e h a d Q.UTH TO ?? WARD. . THE CWU;N -TEE- fr evdcting-the-XLB0- T1ION Dt JoE[XiLATT, Iiso.,Creturn thelr grtmtlol thanks to those Elector, ?? ftorward mnd se nobly suppeodted himI on Wednesday. therldt Instant, Cnd to express their reoset at the los of the servics of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,n I-i-AUkBY UIVE No 11CE, tbat the STEAM to IL ELiGINI4 Ifoilersi. Punipa. Ptip~e, rievies aind oilher ,d Wheel-s, r'baiting Pullikrs. ?slti-livarivig. Pirdesals I Ptixige,,atud ve ~hcr Fitr*,u Moobinery attached 'tlnto and-coenne-oted jilereit f.r te Driving eind Wiorksing of Cotton, ;and other Machffe, Aparausand linpleientat to rand conatoted wltb Ck ibe Mlill in Albimnstreet,. GayibOCIL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WrAEST LANCASHIRE RAILWAY. L X xII s UBREBY GIVEN. That application is in- Ci % tdi,be made to Parliamnent ino the ensuing Session, for leave, to bring in a Bill or Bills for making and maintaining u a R1AILWAY'. to commence either at or near the Exchange, P in the borough of Liverpool, to the parish of Liverpo, . Lor a by a juntijon or Junctions with the, Liverpool and Bury Buil- ' vay in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B ° HX E M I A N G L A& S B. JUSTR ARLIVED lion of 'Articltes n BOIIEoHEIAN G.&$ tcib. In reiatrd to taste andi elegance, greatly css eany hat he bahtet the pleasure of ?? patrons. ~ lC 77. ItENSHAW- flEET. YKAn ST. Loan'S Htii~i MESSRS. BRIGHiT, SON, AND LEGGEL ?? TAESI~FNRL 70ri ani 2 O DSEE fl n ES .EF.LL ?? to th3se sui h ?? o d voe aa Felargde po~ncrtin lva r ne premises or Cthe OboeS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RIWAY INTELLIGENCE. ohii 58 ADVR VZ.5MIRUNT.] POO ss aiCNRAL SARDiNIAN RAILWAir COMPANY. hat st 0 issWiie-~'~,London-Iridge, July 80, 1845, ped ir h ?? ante di Moritefellto, President. -The the ?? ?? Montefeltro having summoned afo 50 ?? morning, stated, that in consequence mie en fa fiiliterview he had yesterday with the Count tIIC to de Revel, (who, in the absence from London of his Ex- ear ...