... INQUES'TS. ay, ?? Rawsor. a Poor X i ner O Thursday, Margaret Raweon, a poor woman, who he gained n livelihood by gathelring chips and ?? in Tox. iich teth park, died from tetanue, or lock-jaw. On Thuriday vvc. week ahe injured the groat too of her left fot by -triking lihg it against a etone. It kept getting worse until Wednes- ow- day, when lock-jaw supervened, of which she died on the e to ...

Birkenhead, &c

... Mkktino ok thk Comussiombs.—An adjournedt^ ing of this body was held on Tuesday for the purposed the report of the Gas and Water Committee. Mr 1 was called on to preside. On taking the chair, he 01 * the last meeting he had requested the Board to u chairman ; his reasons for doing were, because agreed to accept the office, understood that the of the Board would transacted in the committees, ...


... I- MURDERS AND OUTRAGES. fig n MURDER OF A& COLLEsCrTO. - Thomas Madigan, of ju !e Capps, deputy-collector of grand-juiry cese, for the barony pi 1, of Lower Cornnelloe, under Mr. hug Massy, of Stone- pi 1 ville, was waylaid and brutally murdered, when on ltis el ~.way through the Commons of Rathkoale, on Monday irnight. The mangled body of the unfortunate victim, it when foun d biy the police ...


... CRIMES AND OtFFENCES. atTHE ROBBERIES ON THE GREAT WESTERN cresi ne RAILWAY. exec es ?? from the O1itrveree.) ?? le The prisoner Poole, and his compantion,who, up to ~~t- l it last moment, persisted in refusing to give his name ting a secret anceitained, however, without his assistance- be 1,underwent another and final examination before the .e magistrates, at the Gujidhali, Exeter, on ...


... LAW INTELLIGENCE- A ASSIZE S60,UARY. , |At Winchester Mr. Bishop, manager of the Wilts and Dorset Banking'(mny, n Filliihurche was indis branch hink at Christ- d, chuche, tedtor embezrling £1000 the property d, of the company. There were three other hidieiltments x8o00ost hmfre Ibzlng money, to the amount of 8- £8000, and also one for forgery of an I O U tor £8470 with intent to defraud the ...


... Accidents.—On Saturday week, Henry King, a guard on the Edinburgh and Northern Railway, missed his looting, fell, was run over, and killed. He was an Englishman, 32 years of age, and was to have been married this week.—Yesterday week, Catherine M'Avoy, aged 25, whilst attempting to cross the North Union line, at the Farrington station, before an engine, was knocked down, and ao seriously ...


... . , .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, W1LLOX AND POPE iVcrest PARiRaLL. This Case came On for trial before Lord Ivory and a spe- c ,lsl jury, in Aberdeen, onl Tuesday the 4th current, and C Occupied the Court up to the afternoon of Monday last, the It 17th-a length Of time which we believe to be quite uin pa- ii rasleled in the history of jury trials, and which, in ot1a lr respects, is one of the heaviest ...


... SHERIFF COURT, BANFF, I - -i MRIe-POACcInNG. On Monday the 24th ult., the following parties were brought before the Sheriff of Banffshire, at the instance of James Rose EsqI solicitor in fanif,; Law-Agent in that County for his ~race the Duke of Richmond, accused of trespassing under tho Act 9, Goo. IV., chap. 39, viz:- John Bremner, sen., Jeon Bremner, jUn., and William Bremsner, all residing ...


... COURT OF SESSION-FIRST DIVISION Wednesday, JuTne 30. THE EXECUTORS OF THE LATE EARL OF KINTORE AGAINST THE PRESENT EARL AND HIS CURATORS. This was an action to enforce payment of £7,413 14s. 4]d., being three-fourths of certain sums expended by the late earl in repairing the family seat at Keith-hail, claimable from the present earl, as heir of entail, in terms of the Montgomery Act, lo George ...


... COURT OF SESSION-FIRST DIVISION. TORbRIE AND OTHERS V. TeE DUKE OF ATHOLL. This case, involving the public right of. way through the val- ley. of Plon Tilt between- the village of Castletown of Braemar and other places in the valley of the Dee, and the village of 'Bliir Atholl, die. in the valley of the DGary, after frequent dis- cussion before the Lord Ordinary, eam oe before the First Divi- ...


... PoT zfJ~ i N - ZNT ; N s . onset~ t tae Ln~4~ ENQ7Z. ' : ~~Cou vix.Ious U RI5STOL!0, S4R 2., CharlesTrott %was charged'with stealing a %vhip,'tete proper- tyofSamuel1Harris. 'fie cmnplain'dtostatedthat he wisapso- cceding home from Bristol, arsil stopp'd at theWylite-Hdrse, Bedmnirsterto take up Ifriend ;during his temporary absence the prisoner, a lad about 13 years bf hig, was seen by two ...


... 333PS' !OL. 0; PO1aZG COUNCZ'- Hous, TlunSDAr, `June 4, 1840 Magistrates present': The Mayor, ansd Messrs. G. E. Sanders, Savage, and Haberifeld. John White and John Linsflield werecharged with stealing rope from the ship Anna. It appeared that a person, who was walking on ihe Quay, near to the spot where the Anna was moored, heard a voice on board say, , Now, then, im- mediately upon which ...