... cently exposed Ihis person to Sarah Wfoodsouortt, a child :cihca, nic1 years of agre. I-lis icacire is -finn/, and described hiciself to be cit ofnicer on half- payy It sas prosved in eo idence, that thi child is receivlog lier edliccation tit an tel cdecv ...


... nothing whatever unless he suffers some pecuniary loss. The father of a child, whose maintenance and education had cost a great deal of money, could not, if the child was killed, recover compensation in respect of those expenses; otherwise, what limit ...

Yorkshire Lent Assizes

... remain so the remainder of his life. At the tinte or the rccident, several other passengers were seriously hurt, and a child was killed. The accidenlt oc- curr'ed near Harewbod Bridge. when Ihe coachrnrfn wds driving at a furious rale, nod endeavouriag ...

Anglesey Summer Assizes

... he child had been left in e field, and there could be no doubt if death had ensued, the woman would have been indicted for murder. His Loidihip instanced a case where a child had been left in an orchard, and had been covered with icaves; the child was ...


... to the child. Ile therefore again took up i- gun, and, levellinrg it at his young master, pulled the trigger, oh. shocking to relate, the piece intunediately went 0of, and the ubsle coatetl were lodaed in the heat of the poor child, which killed him instantly ...


... the whole converted without delay so as to be ready against the engines are ?? and Military Gazette. SINGULAR DEATH.-A child was killed in a very singular manner on Wednesday week. A man was walking out of Vine-street into Regent-street, Lon- don, carrying ...


... va-. grancy, land sejitenced him to one nionth's imnlrisonment, ant to labour at the tscad-snill. re LAMBETH--STREET.-A CHILD KILLED BY ITS OWN MO- II Tuiaa.-ThiS office was at scene of hustle and confusion duraiong ,f the whole of thle day, froum the ...


... the whole converted without delay, so as to be ready against the engines are ?? and Military Gaxette. SINGULAR DRATH.-A child was killed in a very singular manner on Wednesdav wek. A man was walking out of Virle-street into Regent-strect, Lon- ,don, carrying ...

Assize Intelligence

... imprifinmenlt. re Benjamin Cravern, conviaed of manfilughter, in * negligeitly leaving ils cart, by which measis a child en was killed, was fenteniced to 3' months imprifonmetit. ti Oin tbe foullowing prifonlers, hif Lordlship paffed cv 'fentence of death ...


... l be ':oaid net swear that he did riotiink Carroll ?? capable of working miracies. Thomas Sinan'tt, the father of time child killed by Carroll, said it iwas i' the 'universal opinion that' numerous mnacles had beea worked by Father Carrol.`--Duriog the ...


... whole converted without delay so as to be c ready against the engines are ?? and v Military Gazette.I SINGULAlR DEATH.-A child was killed in a very y singular manner on Wodnesday week. A man was . walking out of Vine-street into Regent-street, Lon- I don ...


... presence, nearly smashed my child's head before for I could prevent hier ; I then shut the door on herto detain th i ler Wtil a policeman could be got to take lier into custody, for I thought at first that my child was killed. The sur- aw geon who dressed ...