... entreaties saved c.l the lives of the poor women, who were inhumanly out- r) ra ed. They then killed a Mr. Todd, and carried off his ed wife and child, They also killed another person, name unknown. T Te citizens caught Joseph on Sunday, and the girl Mar- ...

The Quarter's Revenue.—The revenue accounts for the quarter now ended will be made up to-day. It is expected ..

... l ttor from Mr. Travers, jun., complaining of an omission in our report of the inquest—published on Saturday—on the child who was killed by swallowing a cherrystone. and ivhosc life, it may be inferred from the evidence, mi ...

Metropolitan Intelligence

... ming alarmed M for the safety of her child, who was gradually get- hi ting worse, she went again at 5 otelock, when the er ayoung man' gave her some medicine, acd told w. her to call again at nine. bet her poor child, after G taking the stuff, died at 7' ...


... ceased, ,lho was the illegitimate child of, prisoner's husband, born before his marriage;. the child fled across the potato field, and beinkovertaiken by prisoner, the latter placed both her bands uponI the neck of the child, and attemptied to choak her; ...

Metropolitan Intelligence

... great extent by per. I 1ofns totally ignorant of its poisonous propertlies E Witness had no hesitation in saying the child had beens killed by the mixture which had been adminis. tered by the parents ?? father t stated that on Sunday, the Slet ult., he and ...

Metropolitan Intelligence

... alarmed WI for the safety of her child, who was gradually get. ha,, tiug worsec she went again at 5' o'lok when the eni~ ' young man' gave her some medicine, and told wh! her to call again at nine, but her poor child, after Grf 'taking theostuff, died ...


... Slaiter, .hod ?? winesises, who statedl the -particulars of ithe accident in.- Forth.- street, by whiich Mrs. Debruam's child -was killed, and she had sustained her icsjuries.M.-Satrsad tatn the mnornhig. of the day of the accident,'he felt toe smell of gas ...


... ti son of the Sculptor by furiously driving over him, on Wedaesday evening, near ['ark Crescent, Portland-place. The child was killed on the spot. 'Te prisoner Waas remanded till the result of the Coroner's Inquest is known. ...


... received tli.t a child tail been killed by souteI ers-itl hiving foreed it t'e drittk~a. ihastity of ardlent spiritts, lie priiceeiled ti make tile recessary rinq tires. ad hi e aser~tainteted that thie child's Itrittl eves Henry lyci e, a ...


... Bartlcy, a child 17 months, which died Sunday last. The child h:.d had an scarlet fever, and was attended man named E. Fiitcoft, to Dr. Coffin, of celebrity, w prescribed for it, and it was soon rumoured in the neighbourhood that the child had been ...


... 158. Dturing the sternoiol Monday inornino, week, a cottage atBitrniston, itmir Searbro', was blown down, by which a child was killed, anid three others were severely injured. OilPriaylast, a feather pillowv, and sevral Dutnalso a create of' emptye bottles ...


... con- niected with the. establishment, and would show that, so far from any child having been killed by the severitgof punish. mnent or of discipline exercised in it, no child had died in that workhouse since the time of its erection. He could not anticipate ...