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Caledonian Mercury

... prefe- rence to the recommendation of the Factory Com- mission. Certain itis that tie finestopportunity will be lost by the bill in question that was ever afford- ed for extending that benefit to the children employ- ed in manufactories, and that too ...


... compared to which the ills of the former factory were blessings. Indeed, if the picture drawn of the Deep Valley Mill is any thing ncar the truth, no one can wonder at the outcry uaised as to the usage the factory children receive at some of the mills. Here ...


... commission, ?? and goes out al to liquidate the claims against him and to purchase U, what be thinks will make the dear children happy, bi He returns with a quantity of toys for Edward and 01 a wedding gift for Louisa, who, by the bye, is theb bride ...


... that town, at a place called Harter Field, in Pigot's Ltne, is a large and deep reservoir, by wnhichi formerly a spinning factory, occupied by lease's Wood and Harrops, was sup- plied wih svttr. Upon this pond, svhich, from the thultness of the ice, was ...

Literary and Scientific Notices, &c

... traces in the practice, so prevalent in the manlu'acturing districts. of parents sending out their children. at the earrlest possible period, into the factories, who thus come to be lookLed upon not as objecti of affection, but as instruments of gain tre considers ...

Literary and Scientific Notices

... ed the roving-can; and Arkwright himself, originally a barber of Preston, cosepleted the whole series, and organized the factory system, now spread ao extensively throughout the country. the fbnspisssda, a Venetian Ressnace. 3 Vols. 'London: Bentley ...


... pen- p. pie, who crowd to see Abdal Rahim Mowlab, which is A the name he now rejoices in. He has deserted his wife P and children, declaring,, hu~wever, his readinest po idnr far them if they adott his new creed ; hut hie is -shortly to bie married to ...

Literary and Scientific Notices

... his last will, his consort, Louisa, Eleonoca, regent of the Duchy, and guardian of his three children. Under this amiable woman, the'children were edlucated in great retirement, and with a cace and attention to their morals. amid improve. imeat ...


... trade-in that quarter. About thi IS00 loomyn,'it is-stated, are idle in 'the suiburbs: asi,0 PuI y two extensive steam-loom factories, on the -banks of'tlt n thebank OF'an the Clyde, had been shut up since the beginning of ) the week.. In some of the districts ...


... 584 lbs.; and that of 1 825, 43,700,558 lbs. The claims against the county of Lancaster, for damage done to the power-loom factories during the riots, amount to nearly 20,0001. A Chancery suit ended with the consent of both parties, in the. Vice Chancellor's ...


... the true cause of the distress among the working people in the factories. The two etchinigs represent the death, in the ljre- sence ofr Miss Brotlserton, of the mother of a famnily of children employed in the mills, and the visit of the thsree orphans to ...


... was the school of the regiment; the Prince personally examined several of the children, and praised their performance. His Highness then asked the master to give the children a holiday, and, putting some sovereigns in his hands, requested that a portion ...