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... all the prisoners. S xtrENCES. Ann Raithbore, a young v oouan who was on Friday convicted of themurrder of herillegitimate infant, was brought up to receive sentence. His lordship, after reLmarking on the enormity of her offence, said in consequence of ...


... chest ; having glanced from a rib, the direc-re 2tion of which was to the heart,it waq turned aside~and tkn )n- wound was not mortal. Mr. Day was a receiver, untler b the Court of Chancery, for the Boyce minors. iSeveral g rSp of ihe tennnti had refused either ...


... one of his arms, and I held the I other to assist the deceased, he was so tipsy. Carter and his Wife then left us. Near the Infant School mv husband said 1 to prisoner, Jack, I'll tell you what, I'll take another shop tomorrow. I'll neither be bothered ...


... attended. The following is i. pretty correct statement of their ?? 283, stone i break ers S, infant children 80, children at schools, 281, we ihei: with infants 107, spinners 280, oakus pickers 28S, at ,, saious other employments 181, amountingto 1,653; ...

FATAL ACCIDENTS.—On Friday an inquest was held on the body of Elizabeth Evans, who fell on the steps

... aby FORESTER'S FUNxaAr,.-On Sunday, the 12th instant, the after morning service at St. Mary's church, Birkenhead, 'ere the mortal remains of Ralph Rees, stonemason, belonging and to a court in that locality, was conveyed to its last In resting-place in ...

News and Observations

... wilful murder of his infant child, by kicking it on the head, after knocking down Dedu the mother with his fist. According to the woman's Hoya testimony, the brute had thrown the child across the Leavi street before iiiflicting the mortal blow wiih his foot ...

News and Observations

... several rencontres, but finally dispersed them with small loss on his own part. Captain Graham, A.Q M. volunteer service, was mortally wounded in one of these affairs. I have no doubt that the defeat of the main army at Buena Vista will secure ur line of ...

Lancashire Summer Assizes

... manslaughter of an infant male child, the son of one John Taylor. The prisoner, on the 16th of July, was driving a car down Manchester-street, in this borough. Maria Taylor, the mother of the child, was crossing the street with the infant in her arms,when ...


... ots near him to smile. li't ild CRIMES AND OFFENCES. 20. ANOTHER .VoRDRR IN NOr.FOLK,_A fish merchant, tb- named Prince, mortally stabbed a man on Sunday nightt5. hr at Ditchingham, from motives of revenge. {all-. it- it- LAW INTELLIGENCE. !ry e85 ASSIZE ...


... the back of the head, and the top of the head, id the said rary Parrl he did feloniously strike and boat, g'ving her divers mortal wounds, fractures, and contt-. w alone, of which she languished until the 5 ,h of April, a, when she died. There wias is second ...

Lancashire Summer Assizes

... SUFFOCATING A CHTILD, Po! Arart, Anne Buller, IP, Irould neither read nor ?? was MEs .indieted for an attempt to suffocate an infant rtitld, nanced on esanna Munday, by throwing lier into a privy tit the Duke of Brrifgewator'e Canal Wharf, Mithesetier, en ...


... 4344scholars; lest o and 8 infant schools, 930 scholars, making a total of' 50 Al eschools and 8524 scholars: connected with the Established ln ?? 5 Sunday schools, 46D scholars ; 14 day schools, lan 3990 scttolars S infant schools, '220 scholars ;total ...