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REVIEW POLITICS, Ice. TS- hinernf Peace, through the o-of p,«nia. have now totally vannlhcd, tf t.oritinihe ..

... lieirefs.uf the late Fretchevillc Dykes, of Warthn!e-Ha)l, the fame county, Eft). Immediately after the ceremony, the new-married Couple fet off fur I.tmdoQ.—At Loudon,Colonel Graham, the Guards, to Ladv Graham.—Capt. John Wrlghtpuf the Koval Navy, to ...

Kotwith(landing the fall of Chelmsford church, the rices Hymen have not been fufpended, for Wednefday, the ..

... church, the rices Hymen have not been fufpended, for Wednefday, the chancel of the above-mentioned (battered edifice, was married, Mr. Thomas Cooper, horfe-dealer, to Mifs Deborah Markham. It a very lerious and remarkable truths that within the lail fifty ...

FOREIGN INTELLfctNCE. Peru, Fit. AN Aid Camp of Gaimal Bnrne, wfco left Vannet the of February, ftatn that the ..

... but order to the Regime of 179}, and the anarchy which threatened devour France. Baunnmt is coming to Paris, where he to be married, and has pointed out the rivers into which' were thrown the cannon lent England. General uviUt it taking Heps for getting ...


... Let. Eiaytun-Koufe.S March iBou. SSSsSSSS v r,h.trJl)**!',/' U-*;* fur /W^- a .,l:r,h ~firm,r fr ,.i .V’ NOTICE BAY MARri/^ WM** into the J ,o WIIMAM CtAK«. Of l . B4if Mwypot:, an ...

i . ‘ (3* s.itufiiv nnt, fb V” of »*

... this unforttmntt old man their lavage ctuchy, returned ilMbcdiatriy into the hoafit, and to-'ik oitfco, young man, (who was married about four months) meet a Cmilar fate. Tie postulated With them Car tome time not him death in of his much af(Bded young wise ...

toteerard.Citvbf«nd. with aad g-jilaiMiy, aerofs histawfe, raked him-with' iersral hroadtidcs: faffing the ..

... be the man. He was prevailed on to qait a fituation where he had lived near feventeen yean, her pride net permitting her to marry a man in his fnbordinate (ittution. her fortune was near 30,000). and mud made a Gentleman. Of her own accord, a (ettlemcnt ...

Woon v. Tarbldsov

... Landaff arrived at his houfe at Culgarth, the 26111 ult. Hie fexton of parilh-church, in Wedmorland, lately had his daughter married to private in a marching regiment. On this occafiion, gave a hall and fupper,—and, the next day, applied to the overfeers—for ...


... acknowledged his having had connexion with her, for fome time that had doubt of the truth her declaration: and that was willing to marry her, provided the town flip would give him five guineas. This nrnpofal the parilh-officcTs refufed comply with. The woman ...

[Advtrtifcmtnu. Ready DISTEMPER in DOGS. FEW Difeafes that iTeftthe Bcft|Q»ati«n arc more obftinate fatal, ..

... Encampments are Ciid to be intended the neighbourhood Derby, and at Owfton, Leicefterfliire. Mr. Tey/w.the apothecary, who married Lord Stanhope’s daughter, and Mr Put niece. appointed deputy comptroller of the ruftolm, wdrth about year. The in&nt lon of ...


... work; and portrait wu uaiccrfalljr known queftioo ; who wu the firft icat at liktmft being *iricl«4».— and who liberalijr red married the Lady, in return for tenuity* NDON GAZETTE. tltj-OJfke, May 10. Vice Admiral laird Keith, lief Majcfty'i diipa and literrancan ...


... gentratii*. Derry down, Ac. endanger your fortune* and live*, v.-ith Ctitr mens metres, oner, and dread no corre&ion, vt aildrd married protection. * Derry down, ,v each who can feel a man, further our plan, fex, who’vc oft yuhitJ you, teclion fd juftly their ...

! rir.l troop* of donarrinatlor, tifio, t>» th*lr sppearauce, teem though they been dUperlcd. fctrlof the ..

... plaintiff, Mr. George Taylor is the profeflion of the law, yn attorney of cminctKe, living at Totnefs, in the county of Devon. He married his wife in the year 1792. At the time of the ffeltiage ha was twenty-one and a half, and flihfras twenty-two. Unfortunately ...