Advertisements & Notices

... publication, a publication ihat 6anifot -fall into ;Se nid harls'of'any reader, of any climate, aie, feft, cordl_ iat tion, married or fingle, that miy nc' derive advaintage ers from the perufal of itand in`particularfcafaringmern, [L wh I' go long -voyages ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to tiot, puerile indifcrerions have already given birth td cafe, or fown the feeds of debility; and p 0 to thofe who being married, orontheeveof mari are liable to entail corruption on their pofterit V muft be a matter of no fmall confolatiou torte that ...

t xs i tys M.til. i

... unfortuuate old man to their favage cruelty, returned immediately into the houfe and took his fon, a young man, (who was married about four months,) to meet a fimihr tate. He expoftulated with them for fome time not to put him to death in fight of his ...

Advertisements & Notices

... indifcreditioxts have already given birth to difeafe, or fown the feeds of debility; and particularly to titofe who, being married, or on the eve of marriage, are liable to entail cotruption on their pcilerity, it mufl be a Mnktter of no frnasl confolation ...

Advertisements & Notices

... puerile Indiire. tions have already given birth to Difeafe, or fawn thc 5eda of Dcbility; and taarticulatly to ehafe who, beirg married, or on the Eve of Miarriage', are liable tO entail Casreupta on their Pofterity, it muft be a Matter of no fstsil Cofa- lation ...

Advertisements & Notices

... indifrretions have already liven birth to diif- eafe, or fown the feedi of debility ; and particulaily - tO thofe who being married, o'>on the eve of marriage; are liable to entail corruption on their poflerity, it be a ma~tter of nlo finall confolation ...

Fridays Mail

... death, but nnprovokcdly gave j&era many tt«bs with bis bayonet. A regulation is about to take place in the army, by which al! married oficeis are to leave their wives at home, when their regiments are ordered on foreign iervicc, or ior any expedi- tion. It ...

Advertisements & Notices

... innifcreditions have already given birth to difeafe, or fowin the feeds of debility; and particularly to thofe wvho, being married, or on the eve of marriage, are liable to entail cot ruption on their pcllerity, it mufl be a muatter of no fmall confolation ...

Advertisements & Notices

... allPatenjs- Guardians,. &c..&cL. whofe duty it is to pay ?? regard to the interefts of the rifing generatioi.Neither :, tingle or married fhould be without it, and ina g )r cular feafaring men on long voyages; in 'which the 0- various diforders incident to mankind ...

Advertisements & Notices

... indifcretions have already given birth to dif- eafe, or fown the feeds of debility; and particularly to thofe, who being married, or on the eve of rrAarriage, are liable to entail corruption on their pollerity, it miutl 'be a matter of no ftrnil confolation ...

Advertisements & Notices

... which poflleflon may be had at Miciaelmls next; The above eciate is fubjea, to an annuity of 5t.I a-year for the life ofa married woman, between go and 6o yeiirs of age 5001. may remain dn mortage thereof; if reilUtled. Mr. Henry Adams of Stirdbrooke will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... indifcre(litions have alrealy given birth to difeafeJ or fown the reeds of debility; and particularly tA thoCe who, being married, or on the eve of marriage, are liable to entail cotruption on their pcfterity, it muql be a niattcr of no finall cotnlolation ...