... piftols, and bad feveral times behaved rude to her and pulled her about, but never courted her or expiefied any defire to marry her. Elizabeth Heard, being a friend of the girl's mother, ,had advifed her to take the girl away, in orifejuence of what (he ...


... the Lady of Charles Kemcys Kcmeys Tytite, Efq. st his teat at Halfwell-houfe, in the county of Soinerfet, of a daughter. : MARRI ED ,At, Carifbrook Church, in the Itle of Wight, Malcolm Mac. gregor, Efq. Paymafter of the 1ith foot, to Mifs Fanuy Gleed ...


... although only at the diftance of few Itreets. She (fated, in the fecond place, that (he was afirnme contverte, bavinr been married to Mr. De- :(haw, in St. Geeiiroe's Churchl-in ihe Borough, in the mon10ith of February laft. No evidence, however, of the ...


... Peaice, was an opulent brewer and ieltded at Mfl brrik Wedmioffer I Threemnonth!spieviours ta ?? he -nade an -im- - prudent- marri'age, by wedding adady with whom l' had a degree of .prerius quaintandejiwhichl itj s. leed Irfs to pil ticujia ife here. .-1his ...


... 3erome Bonaparte.-A letter dated Pliiladlpjhia[, November 1, to a merchant in Liverpool, 'fays, I j3erome flonaparte!.has married Mifs Patterfon, daughter of Mr. W. .Patterfoni of Baltimore .ie has 'veiled 8Qooo. dollars in the Bank of Baltimore, and report ...


... -to prove 'he 'aw' it, would not her being delivered'6f'o , hild ?? the mother out of doubt : or, if a twhite'wo'3 man,.married to a white man, ''hould bring forth a itnt lato=, could a rational, jury hefitate to pronounce'tie 'unfaithful Gentlemen, ...


... wife; he however refufed to fulfil his h promife of marriage on account of the child. n In order, therefore, to induce him to marry her, fi fhe refolved to defiroy her child, and the fol- c lowing day left it expofed in the wvood adjoining to Bruilels, In ...


... worthiel's fellow. Two hours after they m' were married, he had run aiway w~ith tier money and part of her clothes. He had fince. gone to fea, and the had even O heard that lie had been mar-tied before. She was married in rtec afternooni, and lin a privatezhotrfe ...


... hat L Deed ([e es, that 'His Rloyal Highncfs 'was married lo li-r Lradv/fip - at Rone, accoradling to t7e cercernie. of .Ihje C'hrch71 of ieand, ia ,pcl 1793 ; and that they were afrerwards married in England, in December following, at St. Geoige's, ...


... law to pu- nifh with additional feverity the crime of adultery. Could fuch a law, though it would operate on thofe who were married previoufly to its ena~lrleut, and who might afterwards come within its provilions, be juffly called an expcjifatdo law ?-no ...


... value of the articles, and lter promife to pay for them, were all proved ; but io the defence it appeared, that theLady is a married W~oman. Church books and oral teffimony efltabliffed | the fad of hier coverture, aneL her hufband, as was alto proved, is ...


... Mr. Elfkine, he is not aware to what length the power of this Court is extended. About eighteen years ago the Defendant- married the daughter of the lady whom he is determined to torture. Her friends did not give her to him, but the gave herfelf. She ...