... that has occuesed hi our recol. leaiion. Thbe prifoner lived in a court, in the neigh. bourhood of Finfbury-fquare,'and was married to a man of the name of Flay, who had two female ,hil- dren by a former marriage, the clder aged 53, tie younger 9. From the ...


... hsmfeljto ki'or ~rt inti. mately, and who, bn Sund4 - a I cl !y .-Qcclaed tat he wa& ill aq batlieor. Onepf Iher Airs wrizs married to'anri 6Icer ofthe nae'49P Pigt,i$mai- nia~e too prdvyd utnha-~y M no Iprg af.. zcr tia cer - many Captain Pigot' Was hot ...


... a common wvo- man of the town. As Ms Stevenfon did' every thing I in his power to prevent'him fromt marrying her, and as as he wvas refolved to marry her, he thought it bet- ter to part. After he was in diftrefs, he called on Mr Stevenfon for charity ...


... Tiinotliy Trieftley, a writing-maiter at the ladies boarding-fehool kept by his fifers, at Lambeth, in the month of ?? laft, married NMifs Ann Lamb, thenr at thatbIoarding-fchodl, under circunmflances for which he is now in cuflody- This young lady is a Ward ...

DUBLIN—August 13

... HAGERTY, in feloni- oufly, forcibly and against her will, taking away ELENOR DELINY, 1pinaler, with an intent that (he (hould marry the faid Daniel Hagarty- - It appeared by the evidence of Mifs DELENv, a genteel handfome young wooman, of about fix- teen ...

DUBLIN—Sept. 1

... RE1LY, and D. REILY, for (tealing fJgar. At the aflizes of Monaghan, JAMES REILY ,was convi'cted of a rape on MARY MAGUIRE, a married woman. . The prifoner. was ordered to be executed. On Monday fceninight, a Rcman Catholic clergyman coming to town on horfeback ...


... offences. There is one poor mhan to be ?? for having felonioufly carried off a lady with wvhoin he was in Jove, and having married her againit her confent; but he is thc only one in the -catalogue who is likely, to rhalte the public any atonement for his ...


... that fhe delayed her journey til! the remains of the deceafed were interred. On the following evening he was.,to have been married to a young woman of exquifite beauty. Citizen Flandre-Lefpinay, the Aflronomer, an- nounccs the birth, on nis experimcntad ...


... found guilty of ftealing.a fack ot barley, the property of John Cgok; as wexg.alfo Lizabeth Arnold, for hav- ing felonioully married Thomas Wagitaff, her tormelt hufband (Joho Arnold) being alive; Dennis Mar/by, for fteaoing 3o yards of hannel, the property ...


... tendernefs and atten. The Iefendant had been a fervant to his wife's i;redhad0 found means to prevail upon his mal: .oiatjter to marry htim. After the indignation of iilrns had fublidud2 lie -wi3 taken ia, riievertbe- iens; ioto a 16re of the bu~nefs. This Wom1tan ...


... lftated that Mr. Rohfon, aitlerk ia thh ?? ?? and Ogilvie, arny agenqt.s, hllayjiq:g in th e beginning of the year i799, married a yixng; lady at Uxbridge, had oicafion' for a fufii:6frmorey` to'fit up a houfe for her in town. -He applie ,t iereie, throu6 ...


... more dificreet girl they hadnemer known. When this calumniator began his malignant attempts, Ihe was on the point of being married to a refpeflable man in her Own rank of life, in whom fhe ?? every profped of finding an affeffionate hufband. By her lover ...